Chapter 23: Ace's Tale ~The Ethervizh~

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The first thing that comes to my mind when we reach the kingdom is that it's blue. So much blue. The Ethervizh kingdom is surrounded by sea. The Kingdom itself is located on a big island in the middle of the ocean. It's like heaven for me. It feels like home.

Ethereas Dimension is weird. There are Five big kingdoms and two small tribes in this world. The tribes are the beastmen tribes that we just visited last time and the Elfen tribes which I still don't know where it was located.

The Ethervizh is also surrounded by The biggest kingdom that is called The Ethersaint kingdom or mostly known as a holy kingdom because the kingdom is ruled by a Cleric, The Etherfiend who its resident are all Demons and The Etherkouz which is our nearest neighbors. We even have a small vacation island near their border.

Their citizens also are nice and joyous people. We were welcomed warmly as soon as we arrived. They gave us a sense of comfort. It makes me wary, though. I'm not used to someone welcoming strangers with open arms.

The king asked us if we mind stopping by at his esteemed sister palace before he let us rest at his palace which we just happy to obligate.

We arrived at her palace without a problem and were welcomed by their butler. The man looks at Kii for a moment and lets out a gasp. He then hurriedly lead us inside the palace before making us wait in a room while the king went with him to meet his esteemed sister.

The room he made us wait had a big painting in it. It was a painting of two young ladies. One had beautiful blonde hair, and the other had an equally beautiful hair, but hers was silver. The youngest of the lady looks exactly like Kii. Ah, this must be Kii's mother, I thought.

Kii is also looking at the painting with fascination eyes. This must be her first time seeing her own mother's face.

I pull her closer. "Are you okay?" I ask her.

Her returning smile is gorgeous enough to make me forget where we were and just kiss her there.

"Ahem... I hope you remember that we are still here..." Rasya the crown prince coughed with a red face.

Oh yeah, he and  his cousin who was turning his red face from us were asked to keep us company. Well, my fiancee is just too adorable, I'm sorry that I forgot about you guys.

"No, of course, no," I told them.

"Yeah, very convincing," his cousin whose name I forget muttered.

I ignore him and ask them about the exciting place we can visit here or whether we would be allowed to sail and if they have pirates in their territory.

They were baffled about the pirate things. What would we have pirates? The crown prince even asked, which I answer that it was because you live in the seas duh. It was obvious why I ask that but they still don't understand why I need to ask that.

I still in the middle of explaining slash arguing why pirates are important when the door opened, and the butler comes through it. He leads us to another big room where the king and his sister were in, keeps glancing at Kii along the way. He must have a very good relationship with Kii's mother and curious about how much Kii resemble her.

"Ro... I am sorry. This is my fault. All my fault!" The king's sister wept as soon as she saw Kii.

"Umm... I'm not my mother but if I was her, I'm sure she will say it is not your fault," Kii said in reply.

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