Chapter 27: Ace's Tale ~Calm before storms~

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Well, that went well. I'm surprised that it goes so well. I thought I would need to convince Aoi more to makes him believe me, but he surprisingly taking it very well. The fact that he was a time traveller might help to make it easier for him to accept my story, still, I got the feeling that he is not understanding it fully.

I'm glad though. At least I got his permission to propose to Kii.

After that, everything calms down. We met the King and his family, we spent our time enjoying the rest of our holiday. Aoi and I haven't talked about it again but he did steal Kii for few nights. Sigh. It makes me lonely.

Aoi also seems to be very wary around uncle Raselle. Though now their relationship is getting better it used to be very tense and stiff. I'm glad to know that they're in good terms now. Aoi even seems to be in a close relationship with uncle Raselle's apprentice, Ben.

Ben is a smart and brave 13 years old boy. He was an orphan and saved by uncle Raselle when he was a child and about to be sold as a slave. Ben adores him, and after he knows Aoi and Kii are his nephew and niece, he adores them too.

Well, the feeling was mutual. The twin also seems to adore him as much, especially Kii, who was quite happy to be called Nee-sama.

Good time always ends too fast. It soon is the time for us to go back as the graduation is drawing near. On our last day here, after Nii-sama and Midori went to spend their own time alone, Akai and Aoi come back from their time researching something with Ben under Uncle Raselle, we finally able to fulfil the promise with the royal family to go on a voyage with them, so off we go.

We sail with a big ship. It's not as big as Moby Dick, but it big enough to make me feel nostalgic. It was amazing, all of us had good times. Kii loves it very much. She made me promise to take her to the sea again next time which I happily agree with. It was such a perfect memory to end a vacation.

By the time we need to leave, Aunt Rose is better and now able to walk by herself. She showered Aoi and Kii with her loves and made them promise to keep in touch.

Uncle Raselle gave us each a magic tool for communication, just like the Den Den Mushi, but is in a form of stone instead of snails. He said he gave it to make us easier to reach him in case we need his help.

The King gave us a declaration form which tells that we are allowed to enter The Ethervizh freely as we like. It was such a valuable gift that we were reluctant to accept had the King and Queen not insisted us to accept it.

I'm glad. This trip is worth so much. Not only Kii was able to meet her family but Nii-sama also was able to gain their approval. It will be good for his future connection when he becomes a King.

We were leaving The Ethervizh with a happy smile and promise to visit again in the future. We leave with a smile. Everyone is content, but I can't shake this dreaded feeling in my gut. It might be because I want Kii for myself, but I don't feel like taking her back to the Academy. This past day, I keep thinking that if I take her back there, I will lose her.

We need to go back though. We need to attend graduation and I need to propose to her. I will protect her at all cost. I know I will. I'm not alone, the others are also adored Kii and will ensure that she is unharmed. Yet...

Yet, I feel as if the storm is coming.

Now I remember why I don't want to bring Kii back here.

Tomorrow is graduation. We've been back for a week now and that pink thing is back bothering me again about the purification. Sigh... At least she is not bothering Kii.

Tomorrow. I'm going to propose to Kii tomorrow. I smile. I look down on Kii who is sleeping soundly on my chest, her hair is covering her back, hands resting carelessly beside her head. I hold her tighter. I love her. Tomorrow everyone will know it too. I will announce it in front of everyone just how much I love her. How much I want her by my side.

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