Chapter 20: Interlude ~The Ethervizh's King observation~

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Etherheinz is a big powerful and secretive kingdom. It's not the largest but it is, without doubt, the most powerful one. Their militaries are top notch and their securities are the tightest. No spy will able to gain any information inside Etherheinz. The visitors are also limited. Rumours have it that the cause of it is the king's paranoid feeling. The rumours also said that the tensions between the prince are so bad and that's why the kingdom doesn't even have a Queen. How correct it is I will find out soon, I reckon.

A few years back, when my father was still the king, our Elders demand him to marry one of his Princess to Etherheinz's king. The Etherheinz King refused because he had promised that he won't marry other kingdom Princesses. Besides, both Princess is young and the king was already in his middle 40th at that time. The king married and had children in old age so he refused to marry young princesses. But both Elders of Etherheinz and Ethervizh pressured them for it. The reasons were for proofing of our alliance.

At that time we really need an alliance for both our kingdoms fare. So we compromised that the princess would marry their Prime Minister instead.

The princess that supposed to marry out was my Elder Sister the first Princess, Roseanne Mary Alpine Vizh. But she already had someone she loved that time so our little sister the second Princess who was the apple of our Father's eyes, Roselle Myra Alpine Vizh volunteered herself instead.

All of us, even Roseanne Nee-sama herself disapprove the idea. Roselle was only 16 years old that time and the Prime Minister was already 30 years old.

However, Roselle was a stubborn Princess. She was a romantic at heart, so the idea of separating two people who were in love was making her unhappy. When I told her that Prime Minister also already had a son and a wife she asked if the wife was okay with her marrying her husband. We were told that she agreed to that. But after that, we only able to exchanged letters with Roselle and met Roselle only once, when she gave birth to her twin babies.

The first wife was not present when we came. We were told that she had to go to her hometown because her mother was not well. Beautiful Roselle looked as if she had already lost her fire but she still welcome us with a smile. Her relationship with her husband also seemed not bad. The minister was awkward but we can see clearly that he cared deeply for Roselle.

Ob satisfied with Roselle's married life. We thought she was alright. Only the second Prince, Raselle Myro Alpine Vizh who was Roselle's little twin brother was suspicious. He suspected that Roselle wasn't as happy as she looks. We didn't take him seriously. A few months later we received news of Roselle's death.

Our esteemed Father then becomes weaken and weaken, brokenhearted by Roselle's death. We all mourned. All Kingdom were mourned. Even our closest ally, The beastmen tribes were mourned. Roselle was their beloved Princess after all. After our esteemed Father passed away, we never see nor hear about Roselle's babies twin anymore.

Raselle still looking into Roselle's cause of death even now. The pretext is that he was exploring the world and studying magic. He is already recognized as a great Sage in many kingdoms. Meanwhile, Roseanne Nee-sama is still blaming herself for Roselle misfortune even though we never feel tired to remind her that it was not and never her fault. She was even bedridden because of that. Her health declined every year.

Our baby brother, the third Prince, Romero Marc Alpine Vizh planted himself as an Emissary of Etherheinz. He hopes that he will be the first one to know about what happens inside Etherheinz. Roselle is still his beloved and favourite elder sister even until now. You will see the proof hanging on his neck. The childish necklace made from strings with a photograph inside. Her photograph.

And I, Robert Mario Alpine Vizh the king of Ethervizh Kingdom, am also the same as them. Still mourning the loss of my beloved little sister. We, five siblings, are close. Closer than any other siblings you can find outside.

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