Chapter 11

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It was early in the morning, Zero got up from his bed and gazed out the window revealing the rising sun. He grunted towards the sun and got ready for school.


{at the Moon Dorms}

Takuma stood in front of the door of Kaname's room and knocked.

"Kaname?" Takuma called out but recieved no answer.

Kaname rested on the sofa, trying to relax. He seemed troubled by the way he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. Takuma sighed.

"Well, have a good rest...Kaname." Takuma called out as he departed.

"There's nothing wrong with Kaname being in a daze. But could something have happened last night." Takuma wandered to himself. "I'd better stay out of it." he thought.

"Mr. Ichijou, I've found all the books you requested. Shall I bring them to your room?" a maid asked, carrying a tall stack of books.

"Yes please. Sorry to trouble you." Takuma's sweatdropped at the sight of the maid carrying so many books. "Thanks for your help. I actually came here for this magazine." Takuma proclaimed.

"Oh, where's Lord Kaname?" the maid asked.

"Do you need something for Kaname?" Takuma asked.

"Yes. A guest with an appointment has sent in a permit's kinda urgent." the maid explained, showing Takuma the application paper.

Takuma took the sheet of paper and pen and began reading it.

"Kaname is busy at the moment. I'll sign it instead." Takuma insisted. "As the Night Class Vice President and Dorm Assistant Leader, I feel that my real use is for situations like this." he claimed to himself.

As he read the permission sheet, Takuma's face began to turn blue with horror.

" can't can that person personally come here..." Takuma trembled with fear.

"I'm not lying, do you want to call to make sure?" the maid asked, but Takuma already took off running.

Takuma continued to run until he arrived at Kains' and Aidous' room shouting.

"Bad news!!! My grandfather's coming tonight!!!" he shouted.

Kain stared at the traumatized vampire. It looked like he just got out of the shower since all he had on was jeans with no shirt on and a towel around his neck. Aidou looked ticked off after waking up from the disturbing noise from Takuma.

"Ichijou, are you really a vampire? You're so energetic in the morning." Aidou whined. "Just like the vampires in these mangas, you forced on me. You'll problably turn to ash in the sunlight." he added, burrying his face in his pillow.

Takuma opened the window curtains and forced his whole self against the window glass, welcoming the sunlight on his skin, and anime tears running down his face.

"If only I could turn to ash by the sunlight." Takuma sobbed.

"OI! DO YOU WANNA DIE?! CLOSE THE CURTAINS, IT'S TOO DANG BRIGHT!!!" Aidou shouted, his face turning blue.

Kain groaned and rested his head on his hand.

"The person that Ichijou is so afraid of...could only be that person." Kain implied.

"Yes...a business so experienced in handling the outside the point where there's no imaginable aspect of commerce that's not involved in...the Ichijou Enterprise." Takuma began,his face expression changed to serious. "In the Night World, even among vampires, he's a force to be reckoned with...Ichijou Asatoo or 'Ichiou' as he's called..." he added, crossing his arms. "In the Council of Ancients, he continues to be one of the most Senior Vampires." he finished.

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