Chapter 37

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"Big sister? How do you know if you love someone?" The little you asked a cloaked female that held you in her arms.

The woman smiled sweetly and brushed her fingers into your messy hair.

"Well us vampires, we can only quench our thirst by drinking the blood of the one we love." The female's voice echoed, fading away as well as the image into darkness.

You felt engulfed in warmth but saw only darkness surrounding you. The sounds of steady breathing caught your attention. Your eyes fluttered open to see a blurry vision of lights, so you adjusted your sight then came to see that you were looking up at your bedroom ceiling. You blinked in confusion as you slowly sat up in your bed, feeling a slight bit light headed and dazed.

"I'm in my did I get into bed...I dont remember moving away from the floor by the door..." you thought to yourself as you scratch your head.

You slowly get out of bed, your hair sticking every which way.

"I see you're awake." Your brother's voice spoke gently.

You slowly turned to Kaname with dreary and unfocused eyes. Your whole body felt numb as well as your dry throat. But you didn't reply to just stared as he did. Kaname gave you his brotherly smile then slowly approached you.

"You had me worried after what happened yesterday...Aido told me that you almost attacked him...that you weren't yourself..." Kaname kept speaking as he grew closer to you.

"I don't know...I don't know why I...acted out that way...maybe I just needed more blood since I haven't really had some since that day." You answered as you felt his shadow casting over you.

Kaname didn't say anything at first as he then brushed his fingers through your messy bed head. He began combing his fingers through you (h/l) (h/c) hair, taking out all the knots and smoothing it out.

"That can happen when you don't drink enough blood." Kaname said, gently holding a strand of your hair.

You stayed quiet again then your dream suddenly came to mind as you remember what the mysterious woman said.

"Big brother..." you spoke, Kaname kept his gaze on you as you looked up into his brownish red eyes. "Is it true that if a vampire drinks from the one they love then their thirst is quench?" You asked, making Kaname freeze from playing with your hair while giving you a poker face. "Big Brother?" You stared him curiously.

Kaname then took a deep breath and breathed out his nose, giving you his soft smile. He then chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"Yes that's true." Kaname chuckled when you then held your arms up like a child wanting to be picked up, your eyes glowing red.

"I love you Big Brother!" You said then wrapped your arms around Kaname's neck followed by sinking your fangs into his flesh, welcoming his blood in your body.

Kaname stumbled a bit but then held your waist as he allowed you to suck his blood. The feeling to him felt as good as when Yuki first sank her fangs in him too. He held you close like Yuki, never letting go, sniffing in your scent like Yuki...

Drinking his blood and being close to him felt...nothing you've ever felt before. You didn't really know when you were this close to Kaname, when you were human you had the impression that he hated you or looked down on you because of his status. That's why you stayed close to Yuki and Zero whenever any of the vampires were around. But you are sucking Kaname's blood...again.

Your strength began to come back to you as you released your fangs from your brothers neck, left over blood dripping down from your mouth to your chin. Your eyes still glowing red as Kaname brushed his thumb over the left over blood and licked it.

"Thank you for telling me that (Name)...I love you too." He said as he embraced you gently, his arms wrapped around your neck.

You automatically wrapped your arms around your beloved brother's waist, holding him tight. You both stayed there for a minute then pulled away. Kaname placed his hand on your cheek.

"I'm going to check on Yuki. Ruka is giving her lessons on how to be a proper lady." Kaname spoke, the idea made you tense.

"Wait, why aren't I getting any lectures from her?" You asked.

"Because you needed some rest." Kaname answered, pulling away. "But now you're better so hurry and get dressed so you can have your class." He said, turning away leaving your room.

"Oh no...I'm actually going to die." You groaned as you heard Kaname chuckle towards your reaction as he left your room.

You grinned at your disappearing brother as you then began getting dressed.


You finished putting on your outfit (The one above) then brushed your hair out, then brushing your teeth after what happened then you lastly washed your face, wiping off the the leftover blood from earlier then headed out the door

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You finished putting on your outfit (The one above) then brushed your hair out, then brushing your teeth after what happened then you lastly washed your face, wiping off the the leftover blood from earlier then headed out the door.

You headed down the hall in the main lobby to find Yuki with books on top of her head, walking down the steps. She looked elegant at first but then her heel of her shoe hit the step causing her to fall forward, her boo is flying off her head into the air. You can and caught the books with no problem at all as Yuki jumped off the steps and onto the floor.

"Phew. Perfect landing." Yuki said to herself.

You stood before Yuki, holding her books when Kaname appeared next to you, smiling down on her lovingly.

"I see you're practicing what Ruka taught you." Kaname spoke up, catching Yuki off guard.

"Yeah that was quite a jump." You grinned.

"I...I don't really get this being elegant stuff. It's very difficult." Yuki laughed off her embarrassment. "But don't worry. I won't do anything to embarrass you at the soirée." Yuki gave Kaname a reassuring smile.

You looked at the two as they looked at each other lovingly. You took Yuki's hand in yours and gave Kaname a smile.

"We promise we'll both do our best. And I know..." You began, looking at Yuki.

"We finally see the path we should take...right (Name)?" Yuki asked you with a smile.

"Yes, big sister!" You gave her a smile too.



MY MUSICALLY IS... jordanfleesha98

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