Chapter 1

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        "This is ridiculous, our job is to keep the secret of the Night Class from the Day Class not guarding them like they're some celebrities!" Zero Kiriyu shouts, slamming his fist on the Chairman's desk.

        {sigh} Not again. Yuki Cross sweatdropped as she watched Zero rant on about the Night Class.

        "Look Zero, I know that you strongly dislike doing this IMPORTANT job but know one else would volunteer to do it." Chairman Cross replied.

        "Then why don't you increase the number of disciplinary commitee members. She's useless!" Zero demanded, pointing his thumb back at Yuki.

        "I don't to take that from someone who's late all the time!" Yuki argued, the veins on her forhead popping. "Oh but wait, what about that girl." Yuki mummured. Both Zero and Chairman looked at Yuki with confusion.

        "Girl? What girl? Yuki, there's no other girl that knows about the Night Class's secret." Zero protested.

        "Yes there is. The girl that is stays in the room across from mine." Yuki explained.

        "What? There's no one living in the room across from yours. Even i would've noticed if someone were living with us." Zero placed his hands in his pockets, still arguing with the young Cross.

        "Yes there is?! I saw her there 2 years ago." Yuki shouted. "Chairman, you know that there is a girl living in the room across from mine, right?"

        Chairman Cross's eyes turned to concern. "Yes, there is a girl living in the room across from Yuki's."

        "Hah, i told you!"

        "But Yuki that girl hasn't woken up from her slumber yet." Chairman proclaimed.


        "The day i found her was the day Kaname brought you here." He exclaimed.

        Both Zero and Yuki's eyes grew wide with surprise.

        "So, what you are saying is that she..."

        "...has been asleep for 10 years."

        "Yes, and I don't when she will ever wake up. But for now, i must keep her hidden in that room for safety until she's finally awake." Chairman announces.

        Yuki nodded, looking at the floor. 10 years, that girl has been asleep. What's she sick, in coma, or is she can't be dead. She looked alive and healthy to Yuki. Zero huffed as he ruffled his white hair. Zero and Yuki had a job as disciplinary commitee members to keep the secret of the NIght Class from the Day Class. What the secret was...was that all the students in the Night Class were vampires and are all very gorgeous. Yuki didn't mind helping to guard the Night Class students from the Day Class but Zero on the other hand does not. Zero dispises vampires and has ever since he was very young, after that incident that happened 5 years ago with his family.(We'll get to that later)


        After Yuki took a shower from on guard duty, she made her way towards the girls dormatory. As she walked past the guest hallway, she stopped in her tracks. Staring down the dark hallway, where she once stayed before attending Cross Academy. I wander when that girl will ever wake up. She thought to herself as she turned to the guest hallway to your room. She turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door, peeking through the crack. She then finds you still asleep in bed. Yuki walks over to you and sits on the end of your bed. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair looked a bit messy but not as much and you still wore the Chairman's pajama shirt. In Yuki's eyes, you slept like a baby. She then without thinking, slowly reached out and crested your cheek. Good, she's still warm. So, she's not dead. What a relief. As she continued cresting your (s/c) skin, your eyes flashed open, followed by you shooting up from the bed, which made Yuki fall off the bed and onto her butt. You scanned your surroundings then looked at your hands.

        "Am i alive?" You asked yourself out loud, slowly touching your cheeks checking to see if they felt real. " am I alive? Where am I? What am I doing here?" You hugged yourself in fear as you started asking various questions.

        Yuki just stared at you in shock and confusion. The girl woke up. She is actually awake and is sitting on her bed.

        You glanced to see yourself making eye contact with Yuki.

        "W-who are you? What are you doing here?" you asked the stranger sitting on the floor next to your bed.

        Yuki's expression turmed into a soft smile. She got to her feet and bowed before you. "Please to meet you, my name is Yuki Cross. Where you are in my home. Do you remembered what happened?" Yuki asked crouching down next to you in curiousity.

        You at first gave her a blank stare but then remembered something. "All I remember was that I was in a really bad snow storm."

        "That's it?"

        "Yes, that's all I remember."


Vampire knight various x reader (discontinued for now)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant