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I ride car with Kai. Why he did this? Does he really know I went home with what? My address? I already told him. But earlier happen. He forced me to ride with him to send me home, forcing by pressing the horn to annoy me to ride with him. So I decided to give up. Even the guy at the bus stop was speechless cause of popular kpop male member. Who else doesn't know EXO?

"Why you do this?" I ask him again. He was focusing on the road by indicated his smile.

"Sending you home of course. "He replied normally.

"I already familiar with bus."

"But it's late night? Also it's dangerous you alone with that guy at the bus stop. "He warned me. I know he was trying to care about my safety. I feel touched by his word. His word so calm yet gentle rather than Sehun.

"But he didn't. "

"You don't know what's on people mind. Sometimes among us were monster wear human mask." He protesting, he attempt to win and care me. I get it much.

"Okay I get it. Jeez." He chuckled.

"I know you were eavesdropping us." I shocked by his sudden word. So it does, they saw me. If Suho not come there. They won't know my existence there. I feel wanna hide inside of shell if I be a turtle.

"It's fine. Nothing much we both talking about. But why you just not talk despite hide in shadow?" My nerves is disappearing little by little by his words. I really wish if I had a power I might turn back time.

"I just don't want to bother. "I heard Kai giggles again and it grows silence of us. I don't know how to start conversation with popular guy. Inside there's too many silly question roaming in my mind.

"You like Sehun right?" Kai asking me.

"Uhm yes."

"If you wanna know about him. Ask me. He didn't often talk much or opened with others except our members." What he said was true. Every kind of variety or some other show. He didn't talk much neither different of Kyungsoo. I really want to know what's his life doing at the same that was his private life. I shouldn't desperately or forced to know him.

"I wonder what you and Chanyeol talking about that night." Might be weird if I ask him does Sehun when go to sleep in naked? That's so dirty thinking.

"Oh.. well actually. Sehun when it's turn to bored or can't sleep. He will knock our door ask to play game with him. At 4am. "That's ridiculous.

"Why he didn't play himself instead?" Why he bother wake up other members than enjoyed beauty sleep.

"Because he scared. Shh don't tell him." I chuckled, a good-looking guy is afraid to be alone.

"If neither of us won't come out, he will knocked the door annoyingly then bursted our door whispering to us in ear. "

"What he whispered?"

"He said Appa(him) want to play with you along he pinced our arms." Kai sighed. I understand Sehun is the youngest member. Of course he will ask anything he want. Compared to Kai, he was more mature but Sehun in both side. Look mature inside immaturity. This is not mean I was going to judge him, I love him too.

"He so weird." I chimed.

"Weird than me." We both laughing. This night I gladly I have someone I can talk comfortably. Well, I'm sure I sleep alone because Eun Ae had assignment that need to completed. Ah come on, you have been sleep alone before why would I scare again? Kai already ease me a bit. I'm sure I will be fine, might end up dream of him. That would be great.

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