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"(Y/N) let's take selfie with them! Come on, come on hurry! Hold out the album. Before there will be crowded! " She dragged my hands. They make group are had attended on mall. Eun Ae already buy the album for me and for her cause she do research on that group a lot. Attempt to get front line in queue but chill we not sasaeng fan. Just attend their concert or fanmeeting.

"Okay, okay" I follow what my friends take me to meet them take selfie. Well, this is must be make some memory.

"Oppa!let's selfie together!" Some girl says. I saw every EXO Member. They are so hot and cute at same times. Make me squealing so hard.

If you guys wanna know I was fan of Sehun actually. Proof? Well I writing this sehun fanfiction right now. Nah kidding. Seriously I was dreaming so hard to be with him. This freaking Koreaboo. Fanmeetings is actually had a limited capacity only 100 or 150. That's why we struggle to interface with them.

Meeting all member from first Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.o, Xiumin, Suho, Chen and except for Lay. His not here, well took more holiday to his own home. Gonna miss that dimple guy. It's fun talking to them but I laugh a of Baekhyun he had tease me a bit by acting his cute to me.

"Oppa?can I?" I was demand Kai to take selfie with me since he was on second last row. His soft smile.

"Of course" He's freaking sexy smile.

"Thank you oppa" I took selfie with him. I can't forget this smile. I'm gonna paste in my room.

"Where you from?" Kai ask me.

"From Seoul. "I answered him but eventually I was nervous plus shy.

"Specifically live?" Oh.

"Gwanjin-gu."He nodded.

"You seems are students no?"

"Eh no. I was uh after graduation."

"Nice I'm sure you gonna miss that old school. I'm hoping the best for you to find better job." He praised me of course I blessed.

"Thank you. "He chuckled.

Suddenly, my phone have been stolen from someone.

"Ek!?" I yelp.

"Why you steal her phone like that?" Kai scold besides of him.

"Chill. I know she fan of me most." I follow the voice it was..Sehun.

"How you will know?" Kai bribed of him. "Sorry he's really like that." He apologising me.

"It's fine."

"Let's selfie." Sehun interrupted make Kai more overtired of it. It took me surprised.


"Yep, I will hold camera for you so no other man will touch. Come on ran your butt over here. " He just showed his smile. Freaking damn cute smile! My heart fluttering so hard.

"Ye-yeah.." I flushed in red and I came closer to him but abruptly he grab my waist. I surprised what he does.

"Come more closer, this is not selfie if you not come closer. "

My body almost touch his chest. My heart beating so fast. Is this love? Of course is does! Right? ( Fucking cringe)

Sehun take my phone without hesitation and suddenly grab my waist come closer to him. I'm fluttering right now!

"Smile for the camera, says tea! " I says tea. He face closer almost touch my cheeks.This is such embrassing in front of people.


"One more. "

This time his phone, it was unexpected! Maybe he have take photo with other fan using his phone too i guess.

"Tea! "


He smiled at the photos.

"Ohh look at me.I look handsome" You already handsome when you born this world. I said it on my thoughts while gazing at him.

"and...you look cute" Sehun smile at me,make me really my face turn red.

"T-thanks.. Can i take my phone back?" I'm hoping he doesn't see i was in crimson red right now. But it's was normal to him right? Fan were shy close to their idol.

"Oh yeah.. " He typing something on my phone. "Here you go and yeah there already sign in fansign book. " He smile giving my phone along with autograph books. Did I saw he just use Bluetooth? Or am I mislook something?

"Thanks again" I gazing at him same goes for him. I don't know how long we stare each other.

"Could you move your ass fast? There many queue here. " There other fangirl scold me.

"Yeah sorry.. Bye sehun. "I waved at him and he touch my hand.. Rough hand.

"Bye. See you. "Sehun smiled before gave a flirty winked and wave at me. I swear I feel I won't wash my hand.

I saw Eun Ae was waiting me at the front entrance, her face was mad cause of me. Well you should go out after you have enough meet the idols or not get your ass kicked by bodyguard.

"Omg, (y/n) seriously? I been waiting 5 minutes and you still flirting with Sehun?!" She scoffed while me I only chuckled.

"It's not even 5 damn minutes. I was flirting of course. "

"Yeah right. Come let's get some ice cream." We both heading to ice cream shop for our desired. That moment stare with Sehun. I couldn't forget it.

Cringe? Find out the next cringe chapter. Lol.

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