Sleeping Problems

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The man watched as his nephew fidgeted under the sheets. A knock came at the door and the man went and opened it, taking the tea pot from the man and carrying it inside along with the cup. He carefully poured some of the medicine into the cup before pouring the warm water over it. He glanced up and saw that Toshiro was looking at him.

"You should drink this." He watched as the boy sat up before going and sitting on the edge of the bed. He watched as Toshiro took the cup and attempted to down the entire cup, only to have a coughing fit. He let out a deep breath. "You don't have to rush it."

"The medicine tastes horribly though." The boy swallowed the rest. The man then watched as the boy settled before pulling the sheets up to the boy's chin and brushing a few stray hairs away from his forehead. He then stood up and darkened the room. He left the room and headed to the prison area of the ice castle.

"Hey, how's Toshiro doing?"

The comment from the Substitute Shinigami caused the man to turn and look at the orange haired Shinigami. Schwarz took a deep breath. "Are you really in a position to be asking such questions?"

"Are Quincy always this stuck up? I honestly don't get why you guys have divided into sides like you have."

The man let out a deep sigh. "What I meant is that you're not in a position to be worrying about others when you should at this point be worrying about yourself. However, I will tell you that the boy is resting in his quarters and after some rest will be fine. Now if you don't mind, I am here to visit my brother."

The man walked past the cell and down into a deeper part of the prison until he came to an open door. The woman from the infirmary was scowling as he stepped into the room. "You should be resting and not aggravating that injury of yours."

"How is my brother?"

"Silbern? He'll live. That's just the way he's always been." The woman folded her arms across her chest. "However, I believe you want to know what his condition is. I don't like chaining him up in a prison cell like this in a manner that he can pull one of his joints out of place, but this is the only way to restrain him in this room as we can't put him in a straight jacket with that cast of his."

"There is no way he can easily move though."

"As if we would give him a way that he can attack one of the guards. I wish we had a restraining board down here, but to there is no way to attach it to the wall and... well, you should know better then anyone else how your brother is."

"Yes... he's always been a rather problematic child." Schwarz watched as there was a flicker of movement coming from the silver haired figure and then suddenly the man's face looked up at him, a look of disgust in his blood shot eyes. "I see that you're awake."

"What have you done to Shiro-chan?" The man's words came out in a rough fashion and spit went every which way.

"Your son is in bed resting."

"Oh really..." A smirk suddenly played across the man's fate. "Baka..."

"You're not exactly one to be talking about me being an idiot." The man folded his arms across his chest. "I was nice enough to come down here to tell you how he was doing, and this is the thanks I get. Or do you not want to know how your son is doing."

Gin frowned. "Disgusting pig."

"How mature. Talk like an adult, you are one now. Or do I need to treat you like a child?" The man narrowed his eyes. This caused the silver haired man to let out a tirade of curse words and moving about in a manner that could hurt himself. "Sedate him before he hurts himself."

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