Moving Out

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Bony thin fingers tapped on the wooden table down in Urahara's training field. He glared at the map he had drawn and the hand written notes explaining how to open the gate. A voice broke him from his concentration and he looked up to see Hisagi glaring at him. "You called my name?"

"When are you going to be finished with those calculations of yours." The man folded his arms across his chest.

"I haven't been to Vandenreich for a very long time, so I'm double checking things to make sure I don't open the gate in the wrong place." Gin continued to tap his fingers on the table. "We should be there by noon though, as I am almost finished with my calculations." The man then glanced up with his pale teal eyes. "Or is there something else you wish to discuss with me?"

Hisagi simply glared at the man, his mouth pulled into a tight frown. "If you don't have a clue what I am upset about then there is no reason for the two of us to even speak about the subject."

"I have a good idea what you want to talk to me about. You want to tongue lash me for what I've done to Ran-chan and Shiro-chan." The silver haired man opened his eyes and the fake smile suddenly fell. "My question for you is why are you so concerned?"

"Isn't the better question why I am so much more concerned then you?" The dark haired shinigami snapped his words out.

Gin simply went back to making his notes on the chart, his smile still gone. He then glanced up again as a loud thumping sound was heard and Urahara slid down the ladder after a rather large package he had brought. "I've gotten all of the winter clothing you guys will need." The man then glanced between the two who were down stairs. "Have I missed something?"

"He's jealous." Gin's comment caused Hisagi's eyebrow and cheek to twitch.

"Jealous? You think it is a simple matter of being jealous?" The next words snapped out. "My problem comes from the fact I would have treated both of them better."

Urahara suddenly crossed his hands in front of his chest. "Hold it! This is the worst time to argue about who could have been the better husband and father."

It was then that Gin's reiatsu suddenly flared out. "Well, I think it is the best time to make my point. That idiot makes the assumption he would have handled things differently if he had been in the situation, He doesn't know Aizen and he doesn't know that bastard I have for a father."

"So what, are you going to use your father as an excuse for your behavior all these years?"

"No. I don't want Shiro-chan to end up like me." Gin got up and headed over to the pile that had been dropped. "Seriously... I know full well there is no excuse for my psychotic behavior and I am trying to control it. Be forewarned there may come a time when I can't control it. And don't you dare say you would be able to, because you don't know."

"I do know." Hisagi snapped the words out. "I know what it is like to have a blood lust that you have to keep under control."

"You weren't taught as a child that killing people was a game." The boy snapped the words out. "You also knew that the people you killed wouldn't come back to play with you again. The only person teaching me right from wrong was my mother, and there was a limit to what she could and couldn't explain because of the way my father choose to explain things."

"Your brother... was he taught the same way as you?" Urahara asked, raising an eyebrow as Hiyori slid down the ladder.

Gin's head shot up, his eyes open and his mouth twisted into a frown. "My brother... my brother was a normal child who could make friends easily. He spoke as a child should speak."

"Why the hell did you bring your brother up?" The small female's voice was loud. "And wouldn't any child seem normal compared to you?"

"Take that back." The silver haired man's mouth twisted into a pout.

"You know, I don't care if I insulted you." Hiyori snapped.

"I think he took what you said as an insult towards Hitsugaya Taicho, because you just down played the fact the child captain is a child genius." Urahara sighed. "At least that is how he's likely seeing it... I think."

"Except he is a normal child compared to you. He isn't a psychopath!"

"I wasn't either at the time I am referring to." Gin pulled out a tiny winter outfit. "For the children?"

"No! For cute Hiyori!"

"Shut up!" The blond female landed a kick at Urahara's head for the said comment. "Anyways, what are you guys talking about."

"You might as well fill us in about your father a bit more."

"My father saw me as an animal and not a person." Gin spoke up.

"But why?" Hiyori asked.

Urahara picked up on the sudden rieatsu flare. "Now, now. It is his choice as to whether or not he tells us. I think we've drifted into a rather... personal area for him."

"We've got to get moving soon. I'm thinking that Shinji is starting to suspect something."

"That's why we're here now." Ichigo dropped down the ladder, landing on his feet. "Who all is going."

"I am, of course." Hiyori hiked a thumb at her chest.

"Well, there is Hiyori-chan, Gin-kun, you Ichigo and your Quincy friend."

"I'm going as well." Hisagi stated, glaring at Ichimaru as he did so. "I honestly don't trust the man."

"I'm going. My zampaktuo s suited for this kind of weather." Rukia stated

"So, that makes eight." Urahara stated firmly.

"I'll go as well." Renji spoke up."


"Why not?"

"Because two fukutaicho are already going, which will raise enough suspicion as it is." Urahara sighed. "I am hoping eight will be enough because that is all the outfits I packed and honestly, this is who I had planned on going.

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