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The man with the scar on his lip moved through the halls, the white haired child following on his heels. He came to a room and opened the door. A stagnate smell came to his nose indicating the room was rarely if ever opened. They slipped into the room and the man went and lit a light. "This will be where you will stay until we can prepare a room of your own."

"At least the door isn't busted down." Toshiro found himself looking around the room, taking everything in. Everything was nice and neat and there was nothing that would give him a clue as to what kind of person his father was despite this having been that persons room formally. He watched as his uncle moved over to a wardrobe and opened up the door.

He pulled out a white outfit and handed it to the boy. "Try it on." Toshiro stared at the clothing, then glanced up at the man. He continued to frown, not saying a word. The man let out a deep sigh. "I know it might not by to your taste, you need to change your clothes."

"While I look better it dark clothing, that isn't the issue here." The boy continued to look at the man, willing him to understand what his problem was.

"So... what is the problem?"

"You're expecting me to change in front of you."

The man raised an eyebrow and frowned. "I saw you and your sister in your birthday suits when you were first born."

"I'm not comfortable changing with other people watching." Toshiro watched as the man let out a deep sigh. The man turned around and folded his arms as the boy glared at the clothing. He loosened the belt on his uniform and slipped off the clothing before pulling on the white clothing. He frowned as he noticed that the clothing had a more western design. When he finished he glanced up. "I'm finished."

The man turned around before going and sitting at the table. "There is a few hours before the party. Is there anything you want?"

Toshiro found himself staring at the man. "What do you mean is there anything that you want?"

"Do you want a book to read, a game to play or a snack? Though I suggest not having a snack as there will be food at the party." The man leaned back in the chair and relaxed.

"Why?" The man continued to stare at the man.

The man blinked a couple of times. "What do you mean by asking why?"

"Why did you ask me if I wanted something?" The question caused the man to stare at him. Silence filled the room and finally Toshiro glanced away. "Look... just forget I asked."

"Are you not used to people asking what you want?"

Toshiro suddenly turned to look at the man in surprise. He glanced away again trying to think about what the man meant by this. "Why would they though?" The man began to tap his fingers against the table and his lips pushed together. Again he glanced away, this time at the floor. "I'm sorry I'm not giving you the answer you want."

"You're not in trouble." The man folded his arms across his chest. "If you care about someone, you do things for them." Two dark eyes watched as Toshiro's mouth opened from surprise. "It is all right to tell me what is bothering you."

"I wouldn't say that the people around me didn't care about me, but I grew up in the Rukongai, so my granny... she's the woman who raised me... didn't have money to buy things very often. Instead she was the only one who didn't treat me as if I was strange. Once I got into the academy and then the Shinigami ranks I was a solider. Even if they cared about me, we had to keep professional relationships."

The man looked at him for a bit, before getting up. "I'll be back. Stay here and don't wander off. This place is vast and there is a chance for you to get lost."

"Why would I wander off?"

"Because you may have your father's curiosity."

Toshiro frowned and sat down in the other chair at the table before letting his head rest in his arms. "I don't like the clothes. They feel tight.."

"You'll have to get used to them or see if he can find you some clothes your more comfortable with." Hyorinmaru spoke up.

"Yeah... but asking for..." Toshiro paused as he closed his eyes. "He asked if there was anything I wanted."

The door opened and he watched as the man came into his room. The man brought a board game and began to set it up, carefully setting the pieces out. The game was shoji and Toshiro's eyes perked up. The man glanced up, a smile spreading on his face. "I thought you would like to play this game."

Toshiro opened his mouth to say something, reaching for one of the pieces. He paused before looking at the ground again. "Would it be possible to get slightly different clothing. The clothes feel tight."

"Where does it feel tight?" The man glanced up, a frown spreading on his face as he gave the boy a look of concern.

"It feels tight around the arms." Toshiro glanced at the ground.

"Until we can get you measured you can continue to wear his clothing, but we'll make sure to get you some clothing to fit." The man moved his piece next. "Truth be told, my brother never liked clothing unless it was lose. He preferred to wear the kimonos mother made for us. If it weren't a formal event I would let you wear one. It's also a bit cold to be wearing a kimono."

"What was she like?"

The man remained silent, the question remained unanswered. He continued to play the game. Toshiro frowned due to the fact that the answer wasn't being answered. "Your grandfather will answer your questions eventually. Be patient."

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