Not So Nice

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The three headed back to the Kurosaki household as it continued to snow. Toshiro glanced behind him every so often at the footsteps they were leaving that were being filled with brand new snow flakes. They stopped at a corner and the shinigami found himself lifting his feet from the place he stopped and stepped back to watch it feel.

Ichigo felt the corner of his mouth twist up. "I thought your zampaktuo was an ice zampaktuo Toshiro. How come you're so enthralled with snow?"

"It is rather fleeting, just like a good deal of things in my life." The small boy suddenly glanced up to see Bambietta looking at him, yet another frown on her face. "Look, I am not going to even try to placate you. I learned the hard way recently that all it does is make me physically ill."

"Its not that. What did you mean by the fact a good deal of things are fleeting for you."

The three started moving again and Toshiro placed his hands in his pocket. "I don't like talking about it. Maybe I'll be in the mood to tell you some other time."

The three arrived at the house and Ichigo opened the door and headed in. He could see that the table was set and a nice lunch was spread. Yuzu hurried over with a smile on her face. "Uryu-nii said he would be joining us well. Who are the other two guests?"

Toshiro stepped from behind Ichigo and Yuzu let out a squeal of delight before glomping him around the neck, causing the boy to flinch. The smile on her face faded upon seeing Bambietta and a horrified look appeared on her face. The small female hurried over to where Karin was already sitting. She bent over and whispered into her sister's ear. "Karin... did you know that Toshiro-kun is cheating on you."

"I thought we told you we weren't dating." The dark haired Kurosaki twin kept her tone low so as to not upset their guests.

The white haired child suddenly felt his sister leaning on his back, whispering into his ear. "Hey, I think that brown haired girl has a crush on you."

The small male blinked a couple of times before turning to give his sister a look that declared the fact he thought she was crazy. "No... she doesn't have a crush on me."

"Then why did she react so negatively to me?" Bambietta asked.

"Perhaps it has to do with the fact you haven't exactly been trying to be friends with people." Ichigo walked over to the lunch table and sat down. "Thank you for lunch Yuzu."

"You're welcome Ichi-nii." Yuzu suddenly beamed at her brother, a huge smile on her face. The small female then turned to look at the two quests, a frown on her face as they both sat down. Toshiro glanced at her warily while Bambietta watched the two.

"I didn't want to say it, but my sister said something creepy again."

"I think young master she was implying the fact that Yuzu doesn't know the two of you are related and thus has come to the assumption that you are cheating with your sister."

"Now why would she think something like that. I'm not dating anyone right now."

The small brown haired twin's mouth suddenly spread across her face and a wicked glint flickered across her eyes. "Toshiro... why are you cheating on my sister?"

The small taicho's jaw dropped while Karin suddenly slapped her hands over her eyes and leaned on her hands. "Yuzu... I told you we aren't dating."

Bambietta blinked a couple of times before speaking up, an overly mischievous look on her face. "We've kissed twice."

Toshiro's head hit the table in frustration while Karin peeked out from the fingers covering her eyes, the one eye that showed widening from the shock. Ichigo watched with a rather amused look on his face while Yuzu's face turned a bright red and her cheeks puffed out. Her hand took the utensil she was going to dish the food up with and moved to bring it down on Toshiro's head.

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