Bad Impression

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Toshiro's uncle frowned as his nephew got up to leave, knowing full well that the child hadn't actually eaten his fill of food. The female Gabrielli sibling spoke up. "He didn't seem like he was comfortable around us. Though I do admit that I said something that made him rather uncomfortable. If you want, I can make sure he ends up finding Lady Bambietta."

"That is fine. Keep in mind that my father hasn't announced that we've brought him home, so don't tell anyone that he is related to us."

The tone the man gave her told her that something was frustrating the man, but then Bambietta was known for frustrating both of the male members of the leadership. She found herself stepping through the place he went through and quickly found that the small boy had disappeared. Letting out a deep breath, she shook her head. "He's a rather strange child."

She then began to scour the halls and finally came to find her brother pacing in front of a guard station. One of the guards glanced up and grumbled about the behavior. "Could you do something about your brother? He is rather distracting."

Gabrielli let out a deep sigh. "Klaus, what are you up to?"

"Lady Bambietta went through with that person." The boy grumbled.

"You mean a boy around your age who has white hair and green eyes?" She asked, watching him carefully. When he simply glowered at her, she folded her arms across her chest. "Niklaus Gabrielli..."

"Fine, he went in there with her."

"Now why don't you head on home. School is finished for the day." The female received another glare from her brother, but turned to the guards. "I need through to check up on them for his highness."

The guards nodded their heads, but her brother spoke up again. "I'm coming with you. If you don't, I'll keep pacing until you get out here."

Letting out a deep sigh, she spoke up again. "He'll be coming with me so I can keep an eye on him." When they got through, she smacked her brother on the back of the head. "I'm getting tired of you taking advantage of my position just so you can get in to see Lady Bambietta whenever you please. The rest of your classmates don't have that advantage."

"Who is he?" Niklaus' words caused her to inwardly flinch. "I mean, he just shows up out of nowhere at her birthday party and stands back in the corner ignoring everyone. Suddenly she is favoring him, giving him the first piece of cake. Which I might add, I am not the only person who isn't happy with that. And now she's wanting to play with him rather then us."

"I think you should give him a fair chance." Gabrielli let out a sigh.

"Why?" The boy snapped the words out. "He's not one of us. I would have seen him in classes if he was important, which means he's another person who was brought from outside of Vandenriech. That also means he's got no status and yet she treats him like he is s great. He also has that freaky hair and eye color."

His sister knocked on the door to Bambietta's room, but received no answer. Frowning, she peeked in and upon noting that they were not there began to move from room to room. "I don't think you should assume that a person has no status simply because they are new here."

"He still snubbed us at the party! And she is favoring him over those of us who have been her friends for a very long time."

"Stop letting your crush get in the way of you thinking correctly."

The male gritted his teeth. "The fact I like her has nothing to do with this."

"Yes, well... if you say the wrong thing about him to Lady Bambietta, you'll end up on her bad side. She's held off speaking with you for a whole month once." The girl finally came to a door and paused.

"Why did you stop?"

"This is his majesties dead wife's room. Pretty much the only person who comes in here is Lady Bambietta and whoever is sent to look for her." Gabrielli suddenly felt her brother push past her and shove the door open.

"It isn't that hard to check to see if..."

Letting out a sound of irritation, she pushed her brother aside. "This is one room you shouldn't follow me into, so get out."

She then found herself blinking a couple of times at what she saw. The young lord was staring right at them, having dressed in one of the kimonos. His cheeks were starting to flush up and he quickly dodged behind the screen to hide from her. She then heard Bambietta speak up. "Isn't he pretty."

"I'll just let your uncle know where the two of you are." Gabrielli then carefully closed the door and began to shove her brother towards the exit of the Royal Quarters. "I am going to ask that you forget what you saw there."

"Why? A guy was dressing up as a girl. I'm going to emphasize the fact a lot of us are irritated that he's being favored by her, the girls included. He's an absolute freak. What is he, other then her new toy?"

"That's... I can't answer that question." The female let out a deep sigh.

"That's because you and I both know that what she is doing is wrong and..."

"I'm going to tell you one more time. Do not mention this in front of any of your friends. And knock off talking bad about him. It is one of the worst things you could possibly do. It isn't just Lady Bambietta you'll upset, but his Highness as well as his Majesty."

"I couldn't care about that."

Gabrielli shoved her brother to the side when they were out of the area. "Get out of my site. I need to make a report back to his Highness about where they are.

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