Another Meeting

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Rangiku found herself being shaken awake by Isane, who had a rather concerned look on her face. "I have some bad news about your taicho."

The woman's face suddenly paled, her face turning to look at the now empty bed. "Taicho didn't pass away during the middle of the night."

"It is more along the lines of him sneaking away despite the fact he wasn't supposed to be up and about. But... there is more to it then that." The female continued to frown. "He didn't say anything strange to you that seemed abnormal did he?"

"Well, taicho did ask me if it was possible for his birthday to be his real birthday.," Rangiku frowned, the corner of her mouth twisting up as she tried to smile. "I wish that she hadn't scared me like that."

"I was wondering if he had asked something like that." Unohana suddenly spoke up, causing both fukutaicho to turn their heads to look at her in surprise.

Isane frowned at the woman. "But that was a weird question to ask."

"Not if what I believe to be true is true." The woman turned towards the door. "They've called a joint meeting for the captains and the fukutaichos. You need to know Matsumoto Rangiku that your taicho has pulled something again and is running the risk of running afoul of the forty-six."

Rangiku blinked a couple of times, before getting up and hurrying after the woman. "But... what are you talking about. What did he do?"

"He released the prisoner not to long ago. I've had time to come and get you and now they're telling us they're both heading to the living world."

The busty woman frowned, shaking her head again. "But... taicho wouldn't... I mean." There came a pause before she continued. "The intruder hurt taicho, so why would he want to help that person out."

"The intruder is a female Quincy around the same age as him. I don't know if Mayuri has had time to run his tests, but hopefully he doesn't say anything during the meeting. I'll explain my theory to you later on, but I am suspecting that Yamamotto taicho already suspects the same thing as me. That's why the head captain moved to capture her possibly, he noticed something was off when Hitsugaya Taicho fought her."

The two fukutaicho headed into the room and headed into their position and knelt down. Rangiku found herself glancing at the ground. "Taicho, I don't understand why you would do something like this again. I mean, you should have known how badly this effected myself and the rest of the division. And you know that this gets you labeled as a traitor."

The members quickly gathered and the only positive thing that Rangiku could think of was the fact that for each minute longer the meeting took, the longer that her taicho had to hide from them. "I really shouldn't be thinking along those lines when that would get me labeled as a traitor. But I'm not apt to think along the lines that my taicho does and I would take all the blame for what he's done if I could."

When Hinamori came into the room, she heard the small female pipe up. "I still can't believe that Shi... Hitsugaya Taicho would release the prisoner."

"Well, he did." Shinji rolled his eyes as he took his spot.

When all the members arrived, Renji was asked to give his report. "When I received news that Hitsugaya Taicho had released the prisoner, I headed towards the gate as they would either be hiding or trying to escape to the living world. When I arrived I asked Hitsugaya Taicho what he thought he was doing. He slipped through the gate after the prisoner. The funny thing is, I had a problem feeling either one of their reiatsu."

"That isn't surprising." Mayuri spoke up, a smirk on his face.

"Why isn't that surprising?" Rukia asked from her position behind Ukitake.

"He means the fact that Hitsugaya Taicho and the Quincy's reiatsu seems to neutralize each other." Shinji spoke up, his voice becoming annoyed. "You seem to know something that we don't, like a reason why Hitsugaya Taicho decided to help her out."

"Not another word." Yamamotto spoke up, frowning at the man.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Kyoraku shook his head. "It seems a few people, including Hitsugaya Taicho know something that we don't know. Don't you think that is going to effect how we should react to this situation? I am confused as to why the taicho of the tenth decided to make such a move."

The old man suddenly glanced at Unohana. He finally took a deep breath. "Many of you learned about one rieatsu canceling out the other in the academy. When this occurs one of the reiatsu will be picked up, while the other becomes obsolete. Other times the reiatsu will fight for control, one being more dominate then the other."

"Yet it felt like the rieatsu was almost erased. I could some times feel a small flicker, but it was if I was from a distance."

"The cases that have been recorded have been where twins have been concerned." Yamamotto spoke up, frowning as he did so.

There came a total silence as many of the other taicho and fukutaicho simply stared at them. Rangiku felt something pulling at her throat as she did so. "He asked me if his birthday had been real. Which means this girl came to Soul Society on their birthday? What are the chances of that happening?"

Finally, Momo spoke up. "That isn't possible. Shiro-chan died on plain of ice and he wasn't born in Soul Society."

Shinji let out a deep sigh. "I've told you, you're to call him Hitsugaya Taicho, not this Shiro-chan nickname. Also, do you have any proof that he was born on a plain of ice?"

"He always told me that he died and came to Soul Society." The small female glanced at the ground, before glancing up. "Plus, you said the intruder was a Quincy. If she's a Quincy then that would mean that he's also a Quincy."

Rose raised an eyebrow. "He's then a hybrid? Wouldn't that have been enough for the old forty-six to have ordered his execution?"

"Well... that's a positive." Kyoraku titled his hat down. "I was a little upset that he hadn't learned the lesson from last time that he can turn to us for help with personal situations. He honestly doesn't think we can help him this time around."

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