Crash Party

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"Happy birthday Toto-chan," Bambietta said to herself as she smiled at the old fashioned buildings. The next thing that happened was that the small female used hirenkyaku towards one of the building and she used her own physical strength to smash the wall, causing it to crumple. An alarm went off and she quickly moved away from the wall to another area.

The next place she found herself breaking up more stuff and disappearing as soon as she heard someone coming. She continued from place to place slowly destroying things as she moved along. The sound of her boots landed on the ground and she found herself spinning silently as she kicked another wall down.

Her furor ended up pausing when she suddenly found the moonlight shadowed by a towering figure. The small female paused before looking up at the figure, a frown spreading on her face as she saw the canine figures. "I didn't know the shinigami kept pets."

"Children shouldn't be out and about this late at night without the supervision of an adult." The figure continued to glare at her.

"You're not my mom and dad, so you've got no right to tell me what to do!" Bambietta let out a laugh and dodged away from the person's grip, sticking her tongue out when she did so.

"Where are your parents?" The figure turned his head from the position he had grabbed at her again.

"I don't have any. They're both dead." The girl bounced away again, watching as the person managed to destroy some of the building without her help.

"Why are you going around destroying the buildings?" The man asked.

"Because I'm a Quincy and Shinigami are my enemy." The girl suddenly bounced away, laughing as she did so.

"Quincy? The Quincy are supposed to be dead." The canine faced person looked at her in confusion, before she pulled back and launched an arrow.

Before she disappeared on him, she spoke up. "We call ourselves the Vandenreich."

The small female then found herself avoiding various shinigami factions and finding less and less that was easy to destroy. Bambietta found that despite the fact she hid her rieatsu well, they were starting to hone in on where she was and close of what they thought were possibly routes of escape. She found herself heading over one of the walls and noticed a particular paper door with no light coming from underneath.

The sound of shinigami approaching caused her to quickly use her speed ability and crash through the paper door in an attempt to escape. As she moved forward, she found herself suddenly falling over the edge of a bed she hadn't expected to be in the position that it was and she toppled over on top of someone.

She felt the person trying to sit up, almost as if they were reacting to her unexpected entry into the room. She almost thought about holding them down and covering their mouth so that they couldn't yell for help, but for some strange reason their reiatsu gave off a very familiar feeling that felt safe. Bambietta sat up, despite her best judgment.

The person she saw happened to be around her physical age. The boy had stark white hair despite the fact he was her age. He turned his head to look her straight in the eye. Instead of reacting like she was an enemy he simply stared her right in the eye and spoke up. "Who are you?"

"You don't..." Bambietta found herself interrupted by the sound of people approaching. She glanced first at the sound and then back and the young man and noticed that he was finally reacting and choosing to call out for help. Letting out a deep sigh she suddenly found herself forcing him to the bed and covering his mouth. "Don't say anything. Please."

She moved her hand and the boy spoke up, his eyes narrowed. She couldn't see the color of his eyes do to how dark it was, but his white hair was constantly standing out in the little light that was there. She removed her hand expecting a positive response when she removed her hand. "You can't make me, so..."

The female found herself clamping a hand over his mouth again while he struggled. His small hands reached up to grab her wrists in order to try and pry her away from him. She suddenly found her eyes going wide as she felt a familiar icy rieatsu, and she glanced over for a few seconds to see if someone was coming through the gate to get her.

Bambietta found herself being shoved away from the small male and she found herself hitting the floor hard. Glancing up she saw the boy suddenly move from the bed, one of his bare feet touching the ground while his other leg was bend at the knee. His right hand reached out to grab his blade. "Give me a really good reason to not kill you. It is rather obvious that you are the intruder."

"I'm a girl?" The small female's words had not effect on him. "Because if you catch me you'll have to explain why a girl happened to be in your room."

The boy had pulled his blade a few inches from the sheath and his other foot had almost touched the ground. "Excuse me?"

She could feel the sudden icy feeling and realized that it was coming from him. She didn't have time though to take in what was going on as he as suddenly launching himself at her. She dodged the sword blade and jumped away. Glancing back in the room, she found that she still couldn't see the white haired child's eyes.

"I don't know why it is so important to see his eyes or know who he is." She found the corner of her mouth twisting up when she found a string of curse words escaping the young man's mouth. "Wow... that's nice to hear."

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