Setting In

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Toshiro found himself following his uncle through the cold corridors of the palace. He found himself taking the time to let his senses feel around the environment and a familiar feeling greeted him. "This icy feeling feels like you."

His dragon didn't respond to the comment and Toshiro brushed the feeling away. He and his uncle came to a different room then the one he was told he would be staying in. He frowned and his uncle glanced back to look at him. "This place is the medical ward. It isn't anywhere near as big as the forth division that you're used to, but I figure we should get that head injury of yours checked out."

They stepped into the room and a female with brown hair smiled at them. "Since you don't look injured your highness I take it is the strange young one next to you."

"Apparently Lady Bambietta knocked him upside the head. I'd like you to take a look at in." The woman motioned for his dark haired uncle to take a seat while he was expected to sit down on one of the beds.

"So where is your injury young man?" The woman continued to smile and her demeanor was much like those of the forth division.

"The back of the head." The boy felt her soft fingers touch the back of his head and he winced hen she touched the lump at the back of his head.

The woman frowned then spoke up. "Can I ask if you feel nausea or as if your head is going to split open?"

"I ate despite the fact my stomach is doing flips. My head feeling like it is going to split open is minor compared to other injuries I've received." Toshiro spoke in a truthful manner, not thinking that any of his words had any real meaning. He could feel the woman pull back suddenly and he turned to see that her face was twisted up, the shock of what he said written all over her face. "Did I say something wrong."

"Your highness... who is this child?"

"I don't know what you mean by asking that."

"Is he his child."

There was a period of silence while the woman continued to frown at Toshiro. The boy finally spoke up. "Have I done something wrong?"

"No Toshiro."

"Your highness!"

"This isn't to go beyond this room." His uncle let out a deep side. "Yes... he's my brother's child. To be exact, he's Lady Bambietta's twin brother.

"I'm going to ask again what I said that was so wrong."

"Your injury is not a minor injury. I don't like the fact that you brush it off. Something this minor can kill you. What other injuries do you have?"

Toshiro frowned. His mouth didn't move to speak and he glanced away. His uncle though looked him straight in the eye. "What other injuries do you have? I think she should examine them."

The small child reached down and removed the boots he had put on. A few blisters had formed on his feet. The woman went down on her knees to examine his feet. "You don't have a problem walking?"

"I don't like wearing the boots. They don't fit right. I prefer my sandals."

His uncle frowned before placing a hand on his forehead and shaking his head. The woman shook her head at the boy. "I mean are you find walking with these blisters on your feet."

"I've had worse." Toshiro glanced down, not at all fazed by what she was saying.

"Are there any other injuries?" The dark haired man spoke up.

The small boy blinked a couple of times and opened his mouth. His uncle raised an eyebrow, before turning around. "She's going to have to examine you when your injured so there is no way around that issue."

"What issue?"

"He doesn't like changing in front of people."

Toshiro let out a deep sigh and removed the top of his clothing. He heard a deep breath of air taken and a sound of utter shock coming from the female. His uncle turned around to see what she was looking at. Her mouth was clasped over her mouth. "How..."

The small boy pointed to his arm. "She cut me a bit."

"That isn't what I was talking about." The woman then pointed at the scars on his chest running from his shoulder across his chest to the other side. She could also see a scar left from where his arm had been cut off.

Toshiro glanced down before letting out a deep breath. "Those are previous injuries I've received."

"I should have told you that he was a captain of the Gotei Thirteen until early today. Again, that isn't something I want be found out."

"But why would a child be a captain of that group. I'd heard that they were demons, but this..."

The boy frowned, before folding his arms across his chest. The woman went to examine the cut on his arm before putting a new bandage on it. "Please stay out of trouble. And you'll want to keep an eye on him as he sleeps your highness."

Toshiro then put his clothing back on and followed his uncle back to his father's old room. "I think that she doesn't like me."

"She's more shocked at seeing a child who has been torn to pieces."

They arrived at the room and the man went over and opened up the wardrobe. He began to move around before pulling out a few kimonos. "There are more in there, but choose one that you would like to wear for nightware."

Toshiro frowned before grabbing the pale teal one. He glanced into the closet but didn't see a black one or one that matched the color of his eyes. His shinigami robes were still folded but they would need to be washed. Letting out a deep breath he glanced at his uncle who was looking at the book shelf and not looking at him.

He quickly dressed himself and then ran his fingers over the soft material. The kimono was honestly nicer then anything he had ever worn. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers over his legs before glancing at his uncle who was busy reading a book. "What book are you reading?"

"The Little Prince. It was always my brother's favorite." The man then raised an eyebrow. "You can read it later. Right now you need to get some sleep.

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