What Wasn't Known

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When Bambietta was around her twin brother, she could feel his rieatsu pulling on hers and her spiritual pressure chose to reach out and latch onto his. When she had first encountered him the night before the whole thing had felt strange due to the fact she didn't remember ever feeling that sensation before. In the same token the sensation felt normal and natural by the time she left the power station.

One thing she didn't notice was the fact that her brother's reiatsu started to spread into the power stations corners and thus she didn't notice the effect her rieatsu had on his suddenly going away. To her, Toshiro was always there, a separate component from her own rieatsu. Thus she had no clue that her brother was becoming more and more like a beacon for those who could sense spiritual pressure.

She also payed no heed to the movements of the Substitute Soul Reaper. While it was true that she could feel his spiritual pressure, she didn't see him as a threat or something to avoid as his spiritual pressure was neither hollow now Shinigami. Instead, his spiritual pressure was a nice mix between Quincy and Shinigami like hers.

She would have taken more notice had the male whose rieatsu reeked of all Quincy started moving torwards her brother. Or any of the other strange rieatsu that she couldn't identify that were all around Karakura Town. She simply focused on the task at hand, getting herself items so she could take care of her twin brother.

As she headed towards the store of her choice, she didn't notice that it was near a soccer field. She didn't notice a female playing with the males with dark hair, barking out orders. She did feel that someone was there whose rieatsu conflicted with hers, making her choose to ignore the sensation that the stranger put off.

However, when she came out of the store she found herself butting heads with the person who said rieatsu belonged to and she found herself not happy with the situation. Her bright teal eyes looked the girl up and down and she got the vibe that something was off about the girl compared to the others, which added to her dislike.

On top of this she didn't like how the girl dressed. There was nothing girly about the girl and the chick seemed to think dressing like a boy was flattering. While Bambietta wasn't an absolute girly-girl, she found herself despising them. But she found herself despising the full blown tom boy even more. At least that is what she told herself.

Watching as the girl narrowed her eyes, she asked the important questions. "No, I mean how can you see me."

"It is rather obvious that you aren't a shinigami, so what are you. Because you aren't an Arrancar or a spirit either."

The female with the longer hair glared at the tomboy, miffed that she was being stalled to getting back to her brother. "Look, it is none of your business, so why don't you just shut the hell up."

"My job is to protect Karakura Town from any potential threats that normal people can't see."

"I still don't see how this is any of your business as I am not a threat, but I sure will be if you continue to butt in where you're not wanted." The girl glared at the female, miffed that she had shown up. "I just found my brother again, I'm not going to give him up simply because some girl shows up." However, another voice in her head spoke up. "But why do you feel threatened by this small girl."

"You're stealing stuff from one of the stores." The girl pointed a finger at the supplies. This caused Bambietta to pull the items closer to her chest. "Some of those items are medicine and such, which means that you're likely taking them for a friend whose hurt. How do you know if those are the right medicines for you to give them?"

"I don't need your help!" Bambietta snapped the words out, while the girl simply continued to look at her.

"What happens if you give that person the wrong things? They could get really sick you know and you'll only end up making the situation worse. You look like you're a kid, so are you sure you shouldn't be getting an adult to help you at least?"

"Unlike him, I don't know any adults in this town, nor do I know who to trust." The female suddenly choose to stick out her tongue before speaking again. "Have a nice day."

She then found herself hurrying back to where her brother was. The girl she had met had made the decision not to follow and thus things ended up being a simple matter of getting back to the place. A smile spread across her face as she opened the door with her prizes, only to suddenly fall away upon seeing the site in front of her.

"Toto-chan?" The small female found herself suddenly swallowing as realization that he was gone hit her. "He wouldn't have left me?"

"No... he's too tired and ill to move on his own." The voice came to her head.

"But..." She spread out her rieatsu trying to find where he had been taken to, her panic and anger seriously rising as she tried to find his reiatsu. Finally though, it settled upon a faint feeling and she let out a sigh of relief. This was short lived when she realized that someone had her brother.

As she turned around, she found herself dropping the items, surprised to see the girl she had spoke to earlier. "What have you done to him?"

"I've been at the soccer field all day. I didn't know about this place until I followed you here you know."

"I told you that I didn't need your help!" The girl snapped the words out, before using her hand to slap the other girls face.

"Yet it is rather obvious that you have a friend who is in trouble. Particularly now that it seems that someone's taken him. Of course, I think my brother's the one who found Toshiro." Karin looked at the girl.

Bambietta stammered. "How do you know his name?"

"Toshiro? We've met before. You also called him Toto-chan and the only person who I know of with a name with the "to" sound would be him. Plus, I could sense that you were heading towards a spot that his rieatsu showed up in, so I knew that he was the person you were trying to help. You shouldn't say that this has nothing to do with me when it does."

"What business do you have helping us?"

"Toshiro is my best friend and you're supposed to help your friends out."

The girl found her face slapped again. "You're not his best friend. I am, so butt out of this. We don't need your help, or the help of your stupid ass brother. If I weren't in a hurry I'd kill you right now for your insolence."

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