Spicy Twins

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Two bright teal eyes watched as the two dark haired females interacted with each other. "I swear those two don't like each other, but I can't figure out the life of me why they aren't getting along."

"Young master, you don't exactly get along with your sister." Hyorinmaru said, his voice indicating he found the situation found humorous. "Keep in mind you aren't comfortable with the fact that she's kissed you twice."

"She got us both there." The comment from the substitute caused him to glanced up, blinking a couple of times.

A smile spread across his face. "No Kurosaki. She's actually fine with my explanation that I am a captain and can't give her information because of Soul Society's rules. I haven't seen her in awhile, but she told me that she's mad at you for hiding things form her despite the fact you rather could feel her in. You told your friends didn't you?"

"Yeah, but..." There came a pause from Ichigo before he spoke up again. "...she didn't see Aizen."

"That isn't the point and you know it." Toshiro shook his head at the shinigami. He then looked over at his sister, meaning to ask her what she thought she was doing trying to argue with Karin. He was surprised to see her in deep thought. "Is something wrong Baba-nee?"

The girl turned then to look him square in the eye. "Are you really a captain of the Gotei Thirteen? You aren't wearing a haori like I've heard about."

Toshiro opened his mouth to respond, only to have Ichigo speak up for him. "He's a captain all right. He doesn't get much respect for his age."

"Yeah... your one to talk as you've never used my proper title." The small taicho felt his mouth pushing together. "That is besides the point as I pretty much lost the rank of captain when I helped my sister escape like I did. I mean, that makes me a traitor."

Bambietta's frown deepened when Ichigo shook his head and spoke. "I knew you had gone and done it again. I'll try to run interference for you two, but we really need to find a place for you to go. I'll ask Uryu if he can help you guys out. I mean, the Shinigami know where I live, but they don't know where he lives. I'll give him a call when we get to Urahara's. We need to get you two a couple of gigai before the people from Soul Society show up."

The substitute stood up and the two children followed him through the door. Bambietta continued to frown but not voice her feelings about what she heard. Upon arriving at the shop, Urahara snapped his fan shut. "Ahh... young Hitsugaya. What can I do for you today?"

"Have you heard from Soul Society yet?" Toshiro spoke up, glancing at the entrance warily.

"No I haven't." The man spoke up. Ichigo briefly surmised what had occurred and the man frowned. "I am more then willing to give you two gigai and give you a quick medical check up. However, this is not a good place for either of you to stay. Nor is Ichigo's place. As he's pointed out, the best place for you to go is to head over to Uryu's after lunch. Though I don't know if he'll appreciate the situation."

Ichigo walked over to the store phone and began to dial the Quincy's phone number. It wrung and Uryu answered the phone. "Do you need something Urahara?"

"I'm not Urahara."

"I'm going to hang up now." The other teen seemed irritated.

"Actually, I need your help. Would it be possibly for Toshiro to stay at your place for a bit of time until we can get some things straightened out? His sister as well?"

"Kurosaki... may I remind you that I am not allowed to help the Shinigami As much as I like Toshiro, I will have to ask my father if I can make an exception because he is technically a child." There was a moment of silence. "Wait... did you just say his sister as well? Do you mean Hinamori? I've met her briefly and I am honestly not very fond of her."

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