Icy Boredom

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If someone were to describe the place the Vandenreich lived, anyone listening would wonder how anyone could possibly live there. Every which way that a person looked they couldn't help but see ice covering the surface of everything, a rather permanent fixture to the landscape. Life didn't seem like it could survive

In this place was an ice palace, standing tall and firm against the backdrop, making it clear that someone at one time did in fact live in the vast, cold kingdom. Within the palace various people moved about their daily tasks. On top of this the temperature inside the palace wasn't anywhere near as cold as the weather outside.

No snow fell outside, leaving one to wonder how all of the ice happened to form. The voices of children echoed in one hall as they moved from their classroom in order to head home to their parents. A small figure sat on top of an upside down urn and watched the other children pass her by. A small hand reached up to brush back the dark curls that cascaded over her shoulders.

One of the male children with pale hair coloring stopped near by and spoke up. "What are you doing for your birthday tomorrow Bambietta?"

The girl found herself wrinkling her nose up at the boy. Her lip curled up as she found herself wanting to say something nasty to the boy. "Why don't you go running home to your older sister only reason you are trying to butter me up is because of who I am and who my family is. That's pretty much what everyone does here."

However, she held back her tongue and switched to smiling sweetly at the young man. "I don't know what grandfather and uncle have planned as of yet."

A few of the female students of various ages voiced the fact they were excited about her birthday before moving off. When they were gone, she found herself glaring at the group that had left. "You guys are the only ones who are excited about my birthday. It is pretty much the same thing every year."

The small figure hopped off the urn before placing her hand upon the icy wall, letting the strange reiatsu that was contained in the ice sooth her emotions. The place itself felt like family and thus she had never felt the need to leave and seek something else. Her bright teal eyes were closed shut and she took a deep breath, feeling the icy chill that came from actually touching the walls.

"Bambietta?" A man suddenly spoke up, startling her from her concentration. The girl stopped touching the wall and turned to look at a dark haired man. The man had a scar on his lip and his greenish blue eyes looked at her with concern. "Something bothering you?"

The girl frowned at him, before speaking up and rolling her eyes. "I wouldn't say something is bothering me. It is more along the lines of me being bored and wanting something fun to do, an actual challenge."

"Why don't you play with one of your peers?" the man asked, suddenly reaching out to ruffle her hair.

"I don't exactly get along with them, a fact you should know. I'm better at them at everything and I find the conversations they had boring." The girl reached up and pushed his hand away, her face twisting up in annoyance. She then said something which caused his own face to twist up. "If he was around I would actually have someone to talk to."

The man suddenly flinched, his hand held out to touch her head again. "You know that your mother and father, along with your brother are gone. There is nothing I can do about it."

An irritated sound came from her mouth and she started to storm off. "I don't see any point in celebrating my birthday when my second half isn't around. Everyone else has fun, but something feels like it is missing. It isn't as if you would understand how that feels, to have your second half not being there."

"You forgot that your father happens to be my twin," the man said. The girl turned to look at him for a few minutes, her eyes glazed over slightly. She forced her mouth into a smile for him, before turning to leave."

She soon found herself in her room, looking at the room papered in pink. Hearts were on every wall and the pillow she pulled towards her chest was soft and she buried her mouth in it as she stared at the wall. Her boredom continued to grow, and finally she flopped over onto her back as she stared at the ceiling.

"Mama and papa were taken away by Soul Society as was my brother." Her bright teal eyes suddenly narrowed and she found herself gritting her teeth together. "If Soul Society killed my brother, then perhaps I should pay them a visit for my birthday. This way I can celebrate with him for once, even though he is no longer around."

The small female pushed herself up, a smile spreading across her face. She swung her legs off of her bed and headed over to her closet to get dressed in day clothing. She then snapped the door closed and slipped out of her room, glancing around to see if anyone was watching. She slowly tiptoed past her uncles room and the room of Juhabach in order to not wake either one.

She then came to the throne room and the entrance of the gate. She glanced up and tugged slightly on her hat, a grin spreading across her face. "For once I'm going to celebrate my birthday the way that I want to. I'm going to celebrate with my nii-chan and I am going to make sure those shinigami are going to pay for sending him away."

The gate opened and she stepped through the door and started walking forward. She began to sing the birthday song and hummed it to herself as she walked along the path. The door opened and she found herself looking around the place, no one yet having noticed that a strange person had appeared. She would change this, but the first thing she did was say something. "Happy birthday Toto-chan."

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