Of Monsters

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"So? That doesn't change the fact that my father is a bastard and that I want to kill him and my brother for what they did." The comment from the silver haired man caused the others to stare at him, the looks of horror written all over their faces. "Do ya all expect anything else from me?"

Urahara was the only one who acted like Gin's actions were normal. "Do you really believe that you can take your father and brother on along with any others that may stand in your way of taking back the children? Either you are completely insane or your purposefully going in to get yourself killed to pay for your past sins. Or my breaking the news to you means you haven't formulated a plan of attack and are going to get yourself killed because your letting your emotions get the better of you."

"Ichimaru Gin having emotions?" Renji snorted through his nose. "Now that is a laugh."

"I don't know..." Ichigo folded his arms across his chest. "Toshiro doesn't seem to have any emotions either, but he's just really good at hiding them."

An irritated sound came from the silver haired man's mouth and he flared out his rieatsu in a threatening response. "Why would you who have only met me a few times know me better then the people who met me many, many times?"

Orihime frowned at him. "But if you actually didn't care about anyone you wouldn't be trying to get Toshiro-kun and Baba-chan back to Rangiku-san. You actually do care about them."

Urahara spoke up rather calmly. "Tell me Gin-kun. What did your father and brother do that makes you want to kill them."

"I told you. My brother took Ran's baby girl away. You called her Baba-chan."

"Is that really a reason to kill someone?" Rukia shook her head at the man. "I mean, he didn't harm anyone."

"He made Rangiku cry and I swore to his face I would kill him if I saw him again." Gin played with the broken pieces of the tea cup.

"That's stupid." Hisagi's words caused everyone to look at him, while Gin glared at him. "You don't want Rangiku to cry and yet you keep doing moronic things that may end up getting you killed which in the long run will make her cry. I also doubt she would want you to go and kill your brother over something like that. You also seem to have a major problem controlling your impulses rather then planning things out."

"I planned out what I was going to do against Aizen for a hundred years so don't go there." Gin stated.

"But you haven't been planning on what you will do when you see your brother next and thus you are stuck with the idea that you have to kill him even if there is another option that is much better." Urahara stated. "That doesn't however explain why you want to kill your father. If you kill him that would mean you would be taking over, or even your own son if you aren't accepted."

"My father is a bastard." Ichimaru repeated. "When he found out I was gifted he made me a member of the Stern Ritter at an early age. To be exact, I was The E."

"What does that stand for?" Renji frowned.

"The letter E stands for the English word Executioner." Gin spoke up.

The other members suddenly paled, but the red head shinigami let out a deep sigh. "I don't know any English."

Urahara set his fan down. "Gin-kun basically says his role was that of the Sokyoku for them. His father made him the executioner."

Hiyori frowned, folding her arms across her chest and glancing away. "No wonder you are so messed up."

"So you want to kill him because he wronged you as a kid?" Chad frowned. "That doesn't seem right.

"That's not why. I could have kept Toshiro close to Ran when he was younger and let her know he was her son despite the fact she lost her memories but I wanted to keep Aizen from turning him into a tool. Chances are he's already turned our daughter into a tool for his own uses and he'll try to do the same with Chibi Taicho."

Urahara let out a deep sigh. "What are you going to do if your father has changed after a hundred years? You also don't know if he's gotten stronger and you happen to have lost an arm and without it you haven't had as much of a chance to grow power wise like everyone else this year. You also know that you'll need a plan and from the sounds of how long you held onto that plan with Aizen it comes from the fact your father is as intelligent as you are. He knows that we're coming."

"If you thought I was dead then so will he. He won't expect that I am coming."

"Do you agree though trying to kill your father and brother isn't a good idea if you want to get them out? Not to mention you'll need help to get both children out as you aren't going to be seen as a friendly face to them. Even though Hitsugaya Taicho is likely the person you got closest to other then Rangiku this holds true that he'll have a negative reaction."

"I'm not leaving them in that man's hands."

"How much time to you need to prepare and what do you need." Urahara stated. "And be sure to give me a way to get other in to rescue you and other people."

Gin swallowed. "Early tomorrow morning should be enough for me to formulate where it would be best to enter and to come up with other necessary plans. Anyone who is going will need winter clothing. The winter weather there is harsh."

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