Captains Meeting

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The head captain looked over the eleven other captains that had gathered in the room to discuss the intruder. The only person who wasn't there was the young captain Hitsugaya, who was supposed to be taking bed rest leave in the forth division due to the injuries he sustained. The last person to come into the room was Unohana.

"As you are all well aware, we have had an intruder who came into Soul Society the night before. It has been confirmed by Komamura that the person in question is in fact a Quincy. She is now being held captive in our prison cells."

Kyoraku Taicho suddenly reached up and titled his hat. "So let me get this straight. We have one lone Quincy show up from nowhere? Where did she come from and why did she attack us?"

"Where she came from is unknown, but there is a high chance that she has come from a group that was not extinguished like we so thought. As for why she attacked, that is also unknown." The head captain finished and waited for the next person to speak up.

"Well, I've gathered some nice samples of her DNA and her rieatsu and I've confirmed that she isn't a close relation to the Quincy brat that runs around with that substitute." Mayuri spoke up.

"You haven't run her DNA against any other known samples?" Unohana spoke up, her mouth twisting up into a frown."

"I don't see what the point of doing so would be."

Shinji looked at the woman. "I heard that the only casualty from last night was Hitsugaya Taicho. What exactly was he doing that got him manhandled and knocked out cold? He was doing something stupid again, wasn't he?"

"Apparently he was fast asleep and in bed when the alarm went off. He didn't wake up until the intruder broke down his door and went into his room. He didn't have time to change into a uniform, which hindered him."

Ukitake found himself speaking up while Shinji continued to scowl. "Mind telling us his injuries? They warrant him not being here I take it."

"He has a few bruised ribs, hypothermia and a nasty bump on the back of his head. He also received a cut on his shoulder. That said, his room is being investigated and thus we can't get any of his haori, so even if he wanted to come to the meeting he wouldn't be able to come in full uniform." The woman said quietly.

"Was the wound on his arm caused by the intruder? I'm surprised that he doesn't have more." Rose shook his head.

"Apparently the intruder was simply planning on smashing things up and not harming anyone. You could say it was a game to her." Unohana frowned, trying again to brush off the strange feeling she had.

"A game? You've got to be be kidding me." Shinji shook his head. "Can't say a certain someone who is adamant that he is not a child liked that."

"That's just it. The intruder happens to be around the same physical age as Hitsugaya Taicho," Soifon said.

"A child?" Ukitake blinked a couple of times. "Are you telling us that Central Forty-Six is considering the execution of a child?"

"A child that manged to take out a semi-handicapped captain I might add." Kyoraku tilted his hat again, letting out a whistle. "She seems to be a child genius like our Shiro-chan."

"Speaking of which..." Byakuya spoke up, a frown on his face. "When my team went to investigate, we found only minute traces of Captain Hitsugaya and the intruders reiatsu. Even in his room where there should be plenty of his rieatsu, we've found it to be diluted and there is no trace of the intruders reiatsu in the room."

Mayuri suddenly raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps I should do some more tests beyond what I did with the samples I've received."

"What ever for?" the taicho of the ninth division glared at the man, not trusting him at all.

"I am sure I would like to see those results as would the head captain." Unohana glared at the man, her lips pushing tight.

"So... there is some sort of meaning to the reiatsu disappearing like that?" Shinji reached up and stuck a finger in his ear to pick at the wax. "I guess there are some things even we don't know about despite being captains as long as we have. Is there something we should know?"

"You'll know if I deem it necessary." Yamamoto stated, his voice becoming firm about the matter.

Yet another alarm went off and the captains found themselves startled. Kyoraku frowned, folding his arms across his chest. "Are you telling me that we're under attack again?"

The fukutaicho of the first division came in, bowing to the captains. "The prisoner is escaping. There is news that Hitsugaya Taicho is with her."

"So, she's taken the kid prisoner?" Ukitake frowned.

"Actually, Hitsugaya Taicho apparently instigated the escape." The man stated as he remained in his bow.

"That idiot. What does he think he is doing?" Shinji shook his head. "Even he has to know what he is doing is stupid."

"Please keep in mind that Hitsugaya Taicho has a head injury." Unohana spoke up.

"Please spread out and capture Hitsugaya Taicho. Bring them both back alive if possible." Yamamotto spoke up, a frown spreading on his face.

The captains headed out. Unohana walked over to Mayuri. "I want you to run those tests as soon as possible. You know why we want them."

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