Game Time

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A pair of bright teal eyes stared at another set, surprised to find another pair of eyes so similar. "Who are you?"

Toshiro found himself taking the female in. The light wasn't the best, but it had allowed him to catch the color of her eyes and the fact she was a female. The girls eyes didn't stay looking at him for very long and her eyes didn't stay focused on him. She instead focused on his white head of hair, before glancing away out of boredom.

"I don't..."

"... need to tell me," the small taicho thought to himself. He heard the sound of someone on the other side of the division wall and could feel the female suddenly panic despite the fact she was hiding her rieatsu from him. She was turning towards him once again. Before he could see her eyes again, he found himself pushed back onto his bed and his mouth covered.

"What is she trying to do?" The boy blinked a couple of times and couldn't help but note that the girl's face was now completely covered. Her weight caused him to suddenly realize that when she had crashed into him before, that she had landed in a manner that hurt his ribs in some manner. "Why is she running from everyone? She doesn't seem dangerous. I mean, I feel safe around her."

"Don't say anything. Please."

Toshiro narrowed his eyes, the shadow caused by her position covering his face from her view. "You can't make me, so..."

The hand clamped down on his mouth and he found himself being held down. She found herself beginning to struggle against his grip. It was then that he found himself beginning to panic and his own reiatsu flared out. To his surprise the girl looked towards the door rather then at him like most people would.

This was an opportunity he couldn't pass up and he pushed her away, knocking her to the ground. His discomfort level was growing as he was becoming more and more aware that a girl was in his sleeping quarters while he was trying to sleep. He could feel the heat building up in his cheeks, as well as the cold air spreading across his skin from the door.

"The last thing I want to get caught with is with a girl in my room. I would never live this down." He then spoke up in an attempt to threaten her to leave. For once his temper flaring to nearly the point it had been when he was against Aizen. "Give me a really good reason to not kill you. It is rather obvious that you are the intruder."

It was almost as if she read his mind, as she piped up saying something that bothered him. "I'm a girl?" There was a pause as he looked at her, knowing full well that was obvious. "Because if you catch me you'll have to explain why a girl happened to be in your room."

It was stated more as a fact then a question and she seemed to brush it off as if it wasn't that big of a deal to her, but it was rather clear she knew it was a big deal for him. He found his eyes narrowing. "Excuse me?"

For some reason he couldn't help but let out a few choice words, to which she moved in a manner that mocked him. "Wow... that's nice to hear."

His blade was only partially pulled from the sheath and finally removed it completely. The girl let out a deep sigh and drew her own weapon. "Do we really have to fight? How can you be so immature?"

"Shut up!" Toshiro suddenly found himself launching forward. He got the strange sensation that he was able to read her every move, but for some reason she was dodging every single blow that he sent her way. They parried for a bit, his frustration going.

"You're strange. How come you have that icy rieatsu?" The girl stated firmly.

"Shut up!" The small taicho noticed that his breath was coming out in a misty spray and his body was starting to chill despite the fact his zampaktuo was pulled out. He found himself wishing that it wasn't snowing outside and he wasn't simply clad in his under garments. He didn't even have sock on his feet and he could feel the icy ground biting into his feet.

"See... you're strange. The cold seems to be bothering you. It doesn't bother me." The girl simply stood there as if the weather wasn't bothering her as all, almost as if she had an inner fire like Yamamoto taicho.

"I told you to shut up!" The boy lurched forward and his blade clashed with hers. Her movements kept matching his and they kept moving along, their fight going nowhere. It seemed as if the girl also realized that their fight wasn't going anywhere and attempted to make a move that would have normally given her the advantage if she had been able to pull it off without him guessing, but he found himself predicting what shouldn't have been a predictable move.

His frustration kept growing and he could see her face twisting up as she concentrated on the next move she should make. She then spoke up, frowning as she did so. "It's almost as if we're soul mates."

The comment caught him off guard and she suddenly pushed him back, causing him to stumble. "There is no way that she is my soul mate. I barely know here and she is frustrating me. Not to mention the fact that feels so wrong."

The girl blinked a couple of times. "That seems to be the second time I've caught you off guard when I've talked about us being the opposite sex." A smirk then spread across her face in amusement. "You just hit puberty and don't know what to do with your feelings."

"Die!" Toshiro found himself lunging forward, only to find his sword parried so he would come close to her. The next thing he knew she purposefully locked lips on him. His momentum continued to carry him forward as his cheeks flushed up and the both toppled to the ground. He found himself losing his grip on his hilt.

Sitting up, he could taste blood on his lip and he found himself suddenly backing away from the girl, not caring that his clothing was becoming iced over. He glanced over at his sword, wondering how he would get to the blade, but his mind was still reeling about what she had done. The girl let out a deep sigh. "It isn't as if kissing you was that big of a deal. It was just like kissing a family member."

The small taicho didn't know if she was trying to goad him or not, but she did know that her behavior was ticking him off. He wiped his mouth, disgusted that she had in fact managed to kiss him and catch him off guard. Despite the fact she was obviously not trying to hurt him and it felt like she was trying to play a game, he was rather ticked off. "Pervert."

"Excuse me?" It was the girls turn to become upset.

Her behavior didn't feel like something a family member would do and he thus spoke up. "What person goes around kissing their family members, let alone complete strangers."

The girl suddenly tense up at what he said. "So I am a pervert because I kiss my family members?"

Toshiro opened his mouth, but found an arrow going off next to his head, shattering a good portion of the wooden walkway in front of his and Rangiku's rooms. His jaw dropped upon realizing that the girl was a Quincy. A Quincy who seemed to also have a zampaktuo.

Of Birthdays and SiblingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz