What Was Known

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Ukitake remained silent through the entire meeting despite the fact something bothered him about the situation. It simply wasn't the fact that Toshiro had taken off in an attempt to save the prisoner from a possible execution. For some strange reason it felt like something he felt the small taicho would do as the boy had a strong sense of true justice.

He also wasn't bothered by the fact it was revealed that Toshiro was possibly a Quincy hybrid. The whole thing made the boy going through the academy at such a young age, not to mention his problematic rieatsu less surprising. He also found the fact Toshiro helped the prisoner out less surprising then before as it was possible that they were siblings.

What bothered him was the fact that Yamamotto had an idea and had not bothered to tell anyone for some strange reason. Mayuri had wanted to blurt out what he had thought to be a scandalous fact about a taicho he wasn't at all fond of. Unohana had obviously been trying to protect the young taicho on what she likely deemed a private manner.

Thus Ukitake dismissed Rukia after the meeting in order to wait further orders. Once all the others had left, he found himself glaring at the man, his usual soft smile missing. "How long have you know that Hitsugaya Taicho was a Quincy hybrid."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know what I am accusing you of. I am accusing you of having known that Hitsugaya Taicho was a Quincy hybrid. Actually, let me ask an even better question. How long have you know that a member of the Royal Family was a Quincy hybrid." The man pushed his lips together n firm defiance, knowing that h was heading into a rather taboo territory.

Yamamotto was facing the back wall. "Tell me Jushiro, how did you know that Hitsugaya Toshiro was related to the Royal Family?"

"My family is one of the few families that knows that the dragon zampaktuo belong to people who are closely related to the Soul King and this is a way for identifying who the next Soul King will be in case something happens to the closest relations. For a child to have inherited a dragon zampaktuo, he has to either be of the main branch of the main branch has died out, just as you are of the main branch."

"I'm not going to acknowledge whether what you say is true or not at this point, you do understand this Ukitake."

"Is the reason you hadn't told Hitsugaya Taicho because it is a shame to have your bloodline tainted by the Quincy blood line? Or if it was ever found out that he was of a Quincy blood line, then the forty-six wouldnt know they were killing off a royal family member? They should have known that he was a member though because of his zampaktuo."

"Which is why Sojiro could not be allowed to live." Yamamotto finally turned around to look the man in the eye. "Why are you binging this up at this point in time Jushiro. You are not one to care for politics, not to mention you have an illness that causes you problems."

"Despite the fact Hitsugaya Taicho and I are of the same rank, I think of him as another one of my charges. I've watched this child since word got to us that another child genius had entered the academy, and there he was, a child with an amazing amount of skill. And yet he was unable to act like a child or be a child."

"If it weren't for your illness Ukitake, it is likely you would have been made a member of the Zero Squad. Actually, it is a known fact among Unohana, myself and the members of the Zero Squad that you were a prime candidate. Particularly since you would not allow an unjust king to live. So I will tell you what I have to say in confidence."

"Not only has the original forty-six known that Hitsugaya Toshiro was a member of the Royal family, they have known for some time that he is in fact a Quincy and Shinigami hybrid. If you actually can call those who are born of both a hybrid, as both groups original came from Soul Society. Hitsugaya Toshiro is one of the few pure ones, something that has nearly died out because of a decidsion the forty-six made."

"They would not be so foolish to try and kill off the heir to the throne just to hide a secret that they have been trying to keep secret for many years. Actually, the fact that Toshiro is a pure one, or will be once he learns the Quincy techniques makes him an even better candidate for the throne of Soul Society."

"If Zero Squad and forty-six had their way, Hitsugaya Toshiro would already be moved into the Royal Family quarters from everyone he knows and cares about. As long as it is not known that he is a member of the Royal Family, he can easily remain as a child as no one will be seeking to assassinate him or use him as he is a child."

Ukitake found himself blinking a couple of times. "Yet you are out here, freely interacting with Soul Society. What is the difference?"

"The difference is that I am an old man while he is still a child no matter how much he protests."

"And you ordering his execution? You didn't have alternative motives for that?"

"On top of the fact that Hitsugaya Taicho was a danger to himself, a dragon zampaktuo does not pass on unless it is time for it to pass on. There is no other heir for it to pass on, thus I felt fate would work in our favor."

"And what about his sister? Forty-six would execute her, would they not?"

"With her showing up, it is more likely they and Zero Squad would fight to have both removed into their protective custody as they are both minors." The man then turned around. "It isn't as simple as them wanting to do this because they are wanting to restrict their freedom. There is a man... the leader of the Quincy I failed to kill a thousand yeas ago who could possibly use the fact he is blood related to the children in order to try and take the throne."

"And how do you know this?"

"My niece was the one show stopped me from killing him a thousand years ago. Her father is the current king of Soul Society, while her brother was the heir to the throne. However, her brother was killed making it so her son would end up inheriting."

"Then Toshiro is your grand-nephew."

"Toshiro is my great-nephew as well as being my great-grandson. I know exactly who his parents are, and as his father, my nieces son, happens to be dead, that leaves Toshiro as the heir." Yamamotto then turned back around. "The main point is, Hitsugaya Taicho is with his sister, whom Juhabach will be seeking once he realizes she's decided to take off on him. We may have an outright war here, but if he figures out that the children are in the living world, he'll simply snatch them before we can do anything."

"So the threat this whole time has been one man?" Ukitake received a silent answer.

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