Found Again

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Ichigo found himself unable to deny the fact Toshiro was right about it not being a good idea to endanger his family. He watched as the boy began to nod off. "Toshiro... would you rather lie down rather then sitting up?"

Two teal eyes blinked a couple of times. The small Shinigami carefully lay down on his side before curling up into a ball in order to build up some warmth for his small body. Soon he was snoring and Ichigo went to his desk to begin working on his winter homework. He was half way through his math assignment when he suddenly got a strange feeling.

Carefully he looked up, only to find himself pushing his chair back into the closet with a loud crash. "What the hell!"

At his window was a small female around Toshiro's size. The girl's hair was dark and it was rather obvious that she was not at all happy with him. Her nose was pressed up against the window as was her entire face. He found his lip twitching as the girl glared at him and he got the feeling that she wanted to kill him.

"Seriously... Toshiro told me that he had a sister, but this kid is creepy!"

"By the words of one Ichimaru Gin, you yourself are a creepy kid."

Ichigo let out a deep breath before going to the window and opening up the window. He suddenly found the small female colliding with his chest much like Nel did when she wanted something. Except this female didn't want a hug from him, but instead wanted to cause him some form of bodily harm. The teen found himself covering his head as the small female reigned blows down upon his head.

"Hey, knock it off!" Ichigo found himself finally able to push her off.

"I'm seriously going to kill you Shinigami." The girl glared at him and Ichigo couldn't help but notice that the girls eyes were very much like Toshiro and showed emotion in a similar manner.

The orange haired teen heard a movement from his bed and glanced up. This caused him to suddenly feel a sudden punch to his jaw. "Ouch!" He found himself backing off and clutching is jaw, watching the girl. The female moved to pounce on him again, but this time he was prepared to grab her.

"Kurosaki... it's getting cold. Why is the window open?" Toshiro had moved slightly so he could see the two. The boy blinked a couple of times before speaking up again. "Baba-nee... what are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill him!" The small female stated.

"Toshiro, tell your sister to get off of me all ready." Ichigo commented, suddenly feeling a palm placed onto his mouth. "She is really getting on my nerves."

The boy pushed himself up letting out a deep sigh. "Baba-nee... Kurosaki is a friend. He found me where you left me and brought me some place warm." The small female choose to ignore him and his eyebrow twitched. "At least it was warm until you two morons left the window wide open!"

The small female blinked a couple of times before Ichigo pushed her off of him again and went to close the window. As soon as he finished closing it, he found the female pouncing on him again. He finally took a deep breath and took his fist and popped the girl on the head hard. She pulled away, a few tears in her eyes. "That hurt!"

"That's what you get for acting like a little kid." The orange haired teen narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm going to help you guys out."

Bambietta turned to look at her brother. "Nee... Toto-chan..."

"I'm not beating him up for you/" Toshiro let out a deep sigh before breaking into shivers.

Ichigo nodded his head, only to find something clicking. "Wait. I didn't do anything wrong." He then let out a deep sigh. "I'll get you another blanket Toshiro." The boy walked over and began to dig into the closet. "By the way, what is your sister's name?"

He turned around with a rather straight face. Bambietta was choosing to ignore him and instead turn her attention to her brother who had managed to get into a sitting position. She suddenly choose to glomp the boy, causing the boy the boy to flinch. "I'm glad you're allright."

The Substitute Shinigami wasn't expecting what happened next. The small female suddenly locked lips with Toshiro and Ichigo found the corner of his mouth twitching. A gagging sound came from his mouth and he pointed his finger at the two. Bambietta pulled away and Toshiro opened his mouth to say something. However, the small female turned to look at Ichigo. "What's your problem?"

"You... you... you two are sick!" Ichigo blurted the words out and suddenly found the small female hopping off the bed and moving to stick her face into his.

"We aren't doing anything wrong! There is nothing wrong with kissing your family members! You're the one with the problem!"

Toshiro suddenly raised his hand. "Actually, I have a problem with it big time. I told you the last time you kissed me. What is even worse is now I know we're siblings."

The small female turned around and glared at him. "So it was fine before because we weren't siblings?"

"Oi!" The small boy stood up despite the fact his head was pounding. "I wasn't at all alright with you barging into my room late at night, then kissing me to prevent me from calling out for the other Shinigami. And then I found out after you kissed me that you're find with kissing your male relatives. And..." The small Shinigami suddenly paled. "Oh... no..."

Ichigo watched as Toshiro's face suddenly turned a greenish color. "Toshiro..."

"I had forgotten she had done that..." The boy suddenly found the girl glaring at them.

"There is nothing wrong with me doing that! And I'll do it again thank you!"


The substitute hurried over and pulled her off. "Look, I get that it may have been all right for you to kiss your male relatives when you were younger, but you seem to be the same age as my little sisters. So I really think you've moved on from that behavior."

"Don't care!"

"Plus... your making your brother as uncomfortable as Yuzu does when she asks me to take a bath with her. She's twelve, but still..."

"Toto-chan..." Bambietta suddenly got a pleading look in her eyes.

"Hell no!" The boy suddenly found himself moving into a corner.

"Why not!"

"Because I don't change or bathe in front of anybody except for medical purposes! And even if I felt comfortable with doing it in front of males outside of that I would not feel comfortable bathing with you at this age. You're... you're..."

"Yeah, yeah... she's a girl and your a boy. Girls don't have cooties Toshiro."

Bambietta blinked a couple of times. "You think girls have cooties?"

"I don't know what cooties are..."

"But his behavior sure indicates that line of thinking."

Of Birthdays and SiblingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin