Frost Bite

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When the arrow of spirit particles came racing past his head, Toshiro felt the right side of his face get singed a bit as the arrow sped by. He also felt splinters fly up into his skin as the wood shattered. His bright teal eyes were wide from surprise, but that didn't last long as he decided to move towards his sword as her aura had switched from being playful to being set to kill.

"I must be kidding myself that she was trying to play with me before." The boy went into a low roll past her, well aware that she still had her bow and arrow trained on him. Picking up his place he continued moving at a pace that dodged another arrow shot at him, almost as if she was using him as target practice. "No... she doesn't want to kill me, she wants to seriously hurt me. I'm never going to get females."

He then came around and tried moving in close in order to cross blades with her, only to find her blocking his movement again. The icy ground was biting into his feet and he could feel his body shivering from the cold. Catching a look at the girl, he knew that she wasn't phased by the weather, which caused him to mentally curse.

"The longer you are out in this weather, the bigger disadvantage you have."

"In other words, you're telling me to make this short," the small taicho said to his dragon, only to find himself narrowing his eyes at the girl. "Easier said then done."

The small taicho's feet began to hurt and he found himself blinking a couple of times as he tried to over come the cold that was seeping into his body. His movements were slowing down and he felt her blade suddenly leave a small cut on his right shoulder. One of his hands went to clutch the wound, while the other remained on his blade.

He opened his mouth and breathed in ice crystals as he tried to concentrate. "Why are you attacking Soul Society? For revenge?"

"No. I wanted to smash some things up to celebrate my birthday."

This caught the small taicho off guard and he saw her sword suddenlytwisting around so that the butt of the hilt came crashing under his chin, knocking him backwards. "Great... I'm dead."

He felt his body suddenly fall back and crash into the ground as his eyes rolled into the back of his head A pain was around his chin and the back of his head. His body also was frozen could hear the crunching of the girls feet near her head, only for it to suddenly leave when the girl suddenly took off upon hearing something approaching.

As he lay there and started to black out, he felt himself lifted into someone's arms. He could hear Rangiku calling out to him as she tried to warm him up. The smell of spices and baked goods didn't help him fight off blacking out.


When the young male called her a pervert, Bambietta found herself unable to hold back her temper. "There is nothing wrong with the relationship I have with my family. I don't have family issues. If anyone is a pervert, it is him for thinking such an act is perverted."

She watched as the boy looked at her with wide eyes, surprised to find out that she could use such an attack. He was then moving forward and she was surprised to see him make a sudden tumble to grab his sword. She then had a surprise of her own as he moved to dodge her arrow shots and got in close rather fast, something that wasn't supposed to be easy to do.

"He's slowing down because he's not wearing the right clothing. Yet he was able to keep up with me. He's also wanting to end this because he knows that he can't fight much longer. This fight was fun when it began, but this isn't fun anymore." She watched as her blade cut into his shoulder.

To her surprise, she found him asking her if she was there for revenge. She let out a small laugh, "No. I wanted to smash some things up for my birthday." A surprised look suddenly passed over the boy's face, allowing her to forward and use the butt of her hilt on his chin, causing him to slip slightly and fall and hit his head. She then stepped over. "I should kill him... but something says I also shouldn't."

A sound of someone coming suddenly came to her ears and she glanced up. She pushed her lips together and headed over the wall, hurrying away in hopes that she wouldn't be caught. "I think it is time to go home."

Glancing around she tried to find a place that would be good to leave without taking any shinigami with her. However, as she took a step, she suddenly found herself knocked to her knees by a rather strong rieatsu. The rieatsu also was warm despite the fact it choke her. She glanced up in time to see an old man stepping towards her.

"So you happen to be a Quincy?"

The girl turned her head to glare at the man. "So?"

"I'm wondering why you came and attacked us," the man asked.

Bambietta simply stuck out her tongue. Unable to move, she found her arms shackled and her rieatsu restrained so that she she couldn't attack anymore. She then found herself being led off to a prison cell and left there on her own. She found herself frowning at the wall. "Well, that is a happy birthday isn't it Toto-chan."

She found herself leaning against the wall. "That boy was strange, wasn't he?"

"As if there was something familiar about him. You felt that icy rieatsu coming from him, it didn't come from your home.

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