Icy Stakes

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Toshiro found himself falling along with the other person. Because of this he was unable to use his flash step to prevent himself from crashing to the ground along with the person. He found himself on top of the person and he found himself twisting out of the man's grip and reaching for his blade which had also fallen down.

His bright teal eyes narrowed when he saw that the person who had rescued him was the silver haired man that he in truth did not trust. He narrowed his eyes before taking a deep breath. "Ichimaru Gin."

The man glanced up and attempted to push himself up, his mouth twisted up into a grin as well. The small taicho moved to place his blade at the man's throat, only to find himself looking up as a rumbling sound was heard. The boy found himself calling out to his zampaktuo and bringing an ice dragon to arch over them to create a cave like enclosure as the snow and ice cascaded down.

Some snow though fell on top of his legs and he found himself digging his legs out. As he pulled one out he heard the silver haired man move slightly. He pulled the other out and set his blade down so he could do some fire kido to light the place up. His eyes narrowed upon seeing that Gin was unable to push himself up as his left arm remained useless below him.

Toshiro found himself grabbing for his blade as he cupped the fire in his hand. He found himself moving forward and placing the blade against the man's throat. Ichimaru stopped moving to turn and look the boy in his face. The corner of his mouth twisted up. "So you would kill an injured man who is unable to defend himself Shiro-chan?"

The boy found his eyes suddenly widening and his mouth opening. "How do I know that you can't defend yourself. You are a former captain of the Gotei Thirteen and a very able warrior. A broken arm wouldn't hold you back."

"And what does killing me gain you?" The man snapped the words out. "You're not one to kill people without reason."

"Tells me how much you know me." The boy narrowed his eyes again. "While it is true that I wouldn't kill a person without a reason, I have a sadistic side that makes me completely fine with torturing someone to get what I want."

Gin raised an eyebrow. "So you're saying there is something you want from me?"

"You hurt oji-san." Toshiro pressed the blade suddenly against Gin's neck and watched as some ice formed. He watched as the man suddenly turned his head away. "What, you don't have anything to say?"

"I see that they've brainwashed you as I've feared." The man simply glanced away.

"Brainwashed me?" The boy snapped the words out. "You're the one who brainwashed Kurosaki and the others to bring them here."

"I did no such thing." The man grumbled. "You're the one whose been brainwashed by them."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Toshiro found his arms suddenly shake as he heard the man's words. "Why should I trust a psychopath like you? You've never done anything to earn my trust."

"Didn't I just save you from that hollow?"

The boy found himself suddenly swallowing. "You only did that because you need me alive."

"Why?" Gin suddenly glanced up.

Toshiro thought for awhile. "Because if you kidnap me you are guaranteed to start a war between Soul Soceity and the Vandenreich."

A sudden chuckle came from the man. "Why hadn't I thought of that? Oh, because the..."

The boy pressed the blade closer to his throat. "Don't. I don't know how you brainwashed Kurosaki, but if I kill you will he turn to normal."

Gin paused. "Except I didn't brainwash him. You're the one whose been brain washed."

"I am not brainwashed!"

"Then how do you explain how they've turned you into a weapon for themselves?"

"I'm not a weapon!"

"You came after me didn't you."

"You weren't exactly very good at hiding your spiritual pressure Ichimaru!"

"That was an accident. My calculations for opening the gate were slightly off and..." The man paused. "If you aren't a weapon for them, then why did you come after me?"

"Because you are a psychopath who is blood thirsty and wouldn't hesitate in killing innocent people." Toshiro swallowed. "Or brainwashing the people I care about."

The silver haired man let out a deep sigh of relief before falling back into the snow bank. "So in other words your being your usual over protective self."

"And..." The boy took a deep breath.

Gin for some reason swallowed and remained silent. "Have you thought about how you can get out of this situation?"

The small boy let out a deep breath and watched as it disappeared. "No, but I don't think you would be any help."

"Then I'll ask another question. Would you be able to live with yourself if you killed me despite the fact you have no reason to? You know that killing me will do nothing to fix what happened to your uncle, nor will torturing me do anything except make you feel better for a short period of time. You know as well as I do that I know what I'm talking about here."

The boy found himself suddenly moving backwards so that he could lean his back against the snow. He set his blade down before letting out a deep breath. He continued to hold the kido steady, only to have Gin speak up. "You should be working on conserving your energy. Turn out that light as it is only going to deplete your energy."

"Sorry, but I can't trust you Ichimaru even if you are injured." The boy took a deep breath before digging his shoulder blades into the snow.

"You would also have to hands free to dig yourself out."

Toshiro glanced away. "I'm not taking advice from you. I also don't care how childish that seems to be. I don't like you."

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