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[ 12. 14 ]

i asked her, looking into her sad eyes

"why do you go through

what you do?"

they say that the eyes are 


to souls, 

but hers were more like doors -

you saw the pain of the 'i love yous' 

she never got back,

the countless mornings she'd woken up to find Him


the messages lavished with lies,

sweet nothings that left her empty

you saw her sufferings so well

you couldn't help but feel 

your heart ache.

you'd never know anything

if you were to just pass her by -

she still carries her head held high

maybe as if she searches for god in the sky

but in her eyes, you know she searches for god

in the hearts 

of the heartless.

taking her hand in mine, she looked at me

with those eyes of her and said,

"you wouldn't understand, little girl

but i just wanna be loved.

to be called someone's 


would be more valuable to me


anything i own."

so to this day, i call her Beloved

whenever i see her on the streets, 

a hard look molded onto her face

to protect her heart -

she smiles at me, and the wall breaks for awhile

and she lets me close to her again

but i don't think she meant she wanted that

from me;

not like this, anyway

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