golden as ever

229 19 5

[ october 13th, 2k14 ]

life without you has forced me to take my blinders off. and it's weird that i say without you even though i see you every weekday, though we don't get to speak deeply anymore. 

i can't really depend on you to make my life beautiful anymore ( i gotta do all the work, daydreaming you up again )

but now that i can sort of do it for myself again... how sweet it is. earlier today, it was raining buckets today. so how is it that when i looked out of my passenger's side window, i'm surprised by a cameo from the sun and the once threatening clouds are just rolling on by, as if to say, "hey, what's good?"  

i thought of you, then i looked at my surroundings again. they all seemed more beautiful than before. the same trees i've passed by in my many comings and goings weren't just the same trees, feel me? they were... shit, how to describe it..? the leaves are teasing us with a peek of fall with hints of orange already showing in the leaves, and it's only early october. sunlight wrapped itself around the leaves and painted a better picture, and i swore i watched a ray of light dance across the treetops. (seems as if me and nature are in on a secret.)

okay, fine. i cheated. me and nature ain't the best of homies yet. really, if it wasn't for thinking of you, i wouldn't have even noticed it. see? thinking of you just has me floating on the crisp october air currents, living in a world of eternal sunshine and golden leaves that'll never change. living in a world where the rest of the world is fading into gray like it'll do in about two months, but we're still golden as ever.

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