paranoia, 2.O [ i don't know anymore ]

196 13 0

the feeling of being trapped is enough to drive one mad.

the walls are fucking speaking to me these days ;

they whisper the sweet nothings that have tumbled from the lips of the one i love,

the words written for me

and only for me.

on any given day, you'll find me replying to them.

speaking to them like they were you

as if you were really here

i miss you sweeping me off of my feet, leaving me breathless-

times where i miss them most,

like now,

i wish i'd stopped breathing.

you don't understand the fear i live in. 

i'm at a total disconnect, you're not 

when i can speak, 

can i really?

the deleting messages to cover my tracks

has gotta end,

sneaking around 

in the name of love

has got to end.

it would,

and it could,

but i'm a coward-

too afraid of his wrath,

too scared of him being able to finally

separate us, 


it's you that i want,

it's peace of mind i want,

but i'm not afforded the luxury of either here

at least, not lately.

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