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for you, my darling, i'd pay anything - a penny for your presence, a dollar for your kisses. quarters for every smile you gave me.
but wait.
maybe money isn't worthy of paying for love, because it's so much more than material bullshit that's replaceable. so i tell you this, i'd give anything.
a chunk of my sanity. love is madness, insanity personified. i've screamed, cried tears of pain and happiness, been infuriated, been dangerously in love, and i believe you've got me insane in the best way.
the pride in my father's eyes when he speaks on me. it dies daily, and the sparkle in his eyes fades even dimmer when "contrary folk" are brought up in the lord's house every week.
a home in my memory. the good, the bad, you're all there. you know, you occupy my head daily, and forgetting you would be impossible.
all this, and really, anything you asked me to...
saving the world as i know it, as we know it, and watching it crumble with your hand in mine. being the hero can wait.
for you, for you. you're more valuable than all i own, it can all be gone tomorrow but you, oh you, i couldn't bear.

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