❀ blossom ❀

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not mine, btw. just thought it's enough with the depressing, self-pity bs and time for some positivity. sunshine in the rainy season, if you will.
"many of you know that the lotus is a gorgeous flower that blooms while rooted in mud and murky water. if you think about it, that says a lot. if an amazing flower can grow beautifully in a not so beautiful environment, what makes you think you can't? if a stunning flower can take root in mud and still come out well nourished and whole, what makes you think you can't?

with social media playing such a huge role in society these days, it's easy to look at someone else's 'flower' and assume it was grown overnight. that it was grown in a well groomed environment, that it was handled with care and catered to ideally. it's easy not to show the muddy and murky stuff that helped cater to the growth. it's even easier to think that someone else's garden is more lush than our own. it's easy to hide the work that had to be put in. keep in mind that you never know what people are going through or how they blossomed. you never know what they had to do to get their flower to open up. you don't know the time and effort they are putting in to keep their flower from wilting... I know that I am a lotus. I know that I grew from the mud and murk of life and I have to work hard to keep my flower in bloom.
stay encouraged while you're growing, changing and blooming. your journey is unique and so are the flowers that grow from the seeds you sow."

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