separation of self

135 8 2

[ 12. 4 ]

moments like these,

i want nothing more than

separation from


the other side of the mirror

holds nothing of appeal to me,

what i see causes me to

turn my face.

everything is displeasing to me,

but in all actuality, 

the only displeasure is with myself.

these days, i spend all my time 

in solitude

when i'd rather be doing something

that makes me forget

who i even am -

just until this strong wave of


passes, and the seas make for

smooth sailing again.

no matter the amount of running from me

that i do,

sleep won't stop it

music won't put it to rest

and i realize i can't escape myself...

no matter how badly i wish to.

p.s. - i appreciate the stirring-up of emotions i wished were dead. thank You.

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