shrink [and why doing so makes me need one]

191 12 3

[ october 18th, 2k14 ]

compact size isn't good enough for you

i've shrunken one time too many to fit

what you want me to be,

which is what i can't be.

you've deferred me,

given me the antithesis of 

growing pains.

i can't be what you want from me,


i can't shrink to fit you, dad

you have dreams for me

that exceed the exosphere 

but let me bring you back to earth -

i'm a person, 

and i can't shrink the mural that is 


to fit your wallet-sized, 

pitcture-perfect family

this... this shrinking

is not living

you know it as well as me,

so please,

let me be.

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