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the thing you want most...
how deep does your river of desire run?
to which ends of the earth would you venture for this thing?
are the seven seas enough to keep you away from it, or are you armed with the tools to keep you afloat though the trials it'll take to get to it?
would you lie with your hand on the bible,
and steal from the collection plate to attain it?
better yet, are you willing to pickpocket god himself,
snatch your soul straight outta his pocket
and trade with ole dude in hell just to
acquire it?
is there a limit for what you'll endure for it?
tell me baby, how much do you want it,
would you be the cause of someone's last breath coming way too soon
and having their matter splattered on the pavement?
i can see the disbelief swim in the dark storms that are your eyes...
oh, you're scared of people seeing your
dirty deed?
tell you what, you can't hide it.
your moves to get what you wanted are part of you,
they're written all over your body.
pretty soon you'll be unable to escape
what you've done to satisfy your lust
and you'll down in an ocean of your deeds.
now, is It still worth it?

if your answer is no,
you either don't want It that bad
or you're still sane.

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