happiness, in small doses

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happiness (for me, at least) is

- making lists. making lists makes me feel like my life is a tad bit more organized.

- pink nail polish, and having your manicure not look too bad.

- pandora picking up on your mood and catering to it.  

- discovering new music that's not played on the radio

- finding something nice on sale, and you actually have the money for it. 

- loud bass to drown out my sorrows, when i feel them

- my hair coming out better than i had anticipated

- smelling good. i feel like smelling good is half the battle of feeling good on the exterior.

- meeting new people who slowly become part of my circle.

- you! no matter who you are!

i remember i challenged someone who was dealing with depression to try and find something positive once a day, and see how she felt if she actually stuck to it. when you think about it, the small things really do add up, and if you notice them, your state of mind might improve. for the minute, for the hour, for the day, for the week, who knows? i guess it's just as long as you notice it and are grateful for the small things.

so tell me... what are some things that make you happy?

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