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i see a bit of Woman in everything good. i see Her, i see what you can be and what i can be, in nature. maybe that's why in all the metaphors i've used for You and Her are laced with summer's warm winds, or spring's liveliness. everything that's been felt at all can only be compared to something that's natural.

there's no doubt in my mind that there's beauty, allure and danger in you both. wanting either, being with either pumps my lackadaisical body with adrenaline as if i'd leaned a little too far over a cliff and almost plunged into the ocean below. that almost is what keeps me peering on both sides of what is.

maybe the thrill of that almost will put me into a comatose state someday. too much of any bad thing and too much of any good thing causes an overdose. but the maybe temporary high, that thrill is a positive adverse effect and maybe


i like the drug, too.

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