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I wake up, slowly, laying on something soft. It's been a long time since i slept on a bed. I looked around, my eyes burning a little. I don't understand. Is this.... Am i dead? The memories of Bryce shooting me kept rushing in my head even when i didn't want them to. And that's when i realized the shooting pain in my stomach and i groaned, resting my head back in the pillow. I stared down at my wound beneath the blanket and was surprised that i was wearing a size too big shirt. I lifted it gently, wincing to see bandages, a few bloodied smudges on it. I rested my blanket back on it again, my breaths coming out long and uneasy. But it was better then before. The pain was faded. Still there, but faded. I could live with that. 

I smiled. So i was saved after all. Bryce was defeated wasn't he? I had heard explosions. Then i saw Lyod. And Nickie with Jaden coming from behind. And then those men who carried me here. They looked so worried. All of them. I frowned, why would they worry about me though?I never saw them in  my whole life. 

The door clicked open and this time, i was glad to see who it was. Loyd. He was smiling, but he also had a firm look on his face. 

"How're you doing?" He asked, sitting on a chair beside. 

"Better then before." I said, staring at the ceiling. 

"If it hurts, i can give you a few more painkillers." He offered. 

I shook my head, even though it did hurt a little. But i can bare that much. "I'm alright." 

He nodded, staring at me with a curious expression. 

"Where's Bryce?" I asked, eagerly. 

"Martin's handling him quite well." He chuckled. 

"And Martin is...?" I scowled. 

"Martin is me!" Announced a man entering with a grin, "And you must be Henry?" 

"Actually it's Harry-" I corrected. 

'Exactly what i said." He waved his hand impatiently, "How are you? Much better?" 

I nodded, not helping but to stare at his rotting skin. And i remembered that Bryce was infected as well. He wanted to control the infected because he was one himself. But Lyod wasn't. Was that the reason they parted? It can't be. Did Lyod even know? My dream... something kept hitting me. But I wasn't sure what. 

"Martin here is the leader of the infected." Lyod explained. "He helped us reach you." 

 "Of course i did!" Martin gave a  flashy grin, "That's what i do for all of my friends!"

Lyod raised his eyebrow, skeptically, "Yes. that is it." 

Martin's grin turned smug, "You're my friend Lyod. But now it's time that I ask you to keep your part of the deal, yes? After all, i did save your boy, didn't I?" 

I frowned at both of them, "What deal?" 

But they ignore me as Martin's face turns a bit serious, "Look, Lyod, pal, I didn't want to tell this to you in front of the boy but my people's condition is getting worse, man. I think... I think they're all in the last stage. I can see the wildness growing in their eyes. We need to hurry because I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle them."

Lyod's eyes widened with terror but he quickly hid it, turning to me. 

"You get some rest." He smiled thinly, "I'll send in your friends. I'll tell you everything when you're better, okay?" 

"But i am better!" I insisted. I tried getting getting up but that stupid pain emerged in my body like fire. I yelped, falling back. The two men stared at me. I coughed, clearing my throat, 

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