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Harry's P.O.V

I moaned, rubbing my eyes to unglue them. I told them the trunk was stuffy. I had no doubt that I fainted in the darkness. And why am I not surprised that I'm tied on a chair? I tried to move but my hands were tied on the arm rest place and my feet, on it's legs. The bindings were tied. I blinked away from the bright light coming out of the window. My body felt so stiff. I jerked my neck sideways towards a door. 

"Hey!" I yelled at practically nothing but air, "Hey! Let me go! You need to let me go! I'm no use for myself, how can I be useful for you?" Okay... That totally came out wrong. 

I sighed, letting out a loud scream in frustration. A long one. I'm fed up with them taking me places, injecting me, hitting me. I'm fed up with everything. No one came for me and now it's about time I stand on my own feet. So the best thing to do - the only thing to do - was to shake the chair uncontrollably until you get free. That won't work. Obviously. Am I still delirious? 

"I'll kill you Saige!" I shouted, though we all know I didn't have the guts to murder a carrot. "Once I get out, I'll make you regret your life!" 

I sucked in a deep breath. My threats remained unaffected to him. Bryce wouldn't rely on my words. No matter how true they'd seem. 

"When I get out," I hiss to myself, "I'll kill the first person I'd set my eyes on." 

That's when I heard a loud sob, as if someone had been trying to control itself from crying. I frown. This crying, Was it... was it coming from behind me? There was someone weeping right behind me and I didn't even know that because of my anger. There's another long sob and I swallow. I felt... guilty. 

"Umm..." I said, gently, slowly, "Who is it?" The most expected question. I tried to twist my head but fail. 

"Please," I sighed, "Please... answer me. I haven't talked to a friend since ages. Just tell me your name and I'll tell you mine? I mean, you and I both deserve to know that, right?" 

There's a low squeaky whimper and I realize. I realized what a cruel man Bryce is. This person isn't like me. Cause the person behind me is a kid. I'll bloody get you for this Saige. Watch me. 

"Look..." I said, as kindly as I could muster, "Will you come infront of me? I'm kinda tied to this chair. I promise I don't bite." 

There's another whimper but I hear small feet scurrying on the floor, walking towards me. I try to give a smile, a consoling smile but my eyes are stunned. He was, a child, barely six years old. He had eyes as big as saucers. He was so skinny like he hadn't been fed properly since days or something. His face was covered with smudges of soot and... was that blood? My blood chased and boiled. How could Bryce do this? He was just a little kid! Just a little kid! 

"Hi," I smiled, but my veins were bursting with rage, "What's your name?" 

"R-Robbie." The kid stuttered, wiping blackened tears from his pale face. 

"I'm Harry," I take a long pause as I look at the dried blood on his forehead. If it hadn't already gotten it, then the wound will get an infection. 

"Are you okay?" I stared at him, feeling pity for him. I'll get you for this Bryce. Just you wait. 

He shakes his head, tears welling up in his eyes again, "My head hurts bad." He sniffed. 

"Do you want me to help?" I asked him, "I'll make it better for you. I promise." 

Robbie hesitated, then asked, even frowning made him look cute, "How?" 

"See these ropes?" I pointed at the bindings wrapped around my wrists like snakes, "Just... chew them off, if you can." 

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