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I didn't sleep after the dream. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I had the same nightmare. The  one I had every night. I felt like a small child who'd wet his pants after a scary little dream about clowns stealing their ice-creams. But in mine, even though I had it many times, I still felt terrified with it. It was a memory. An odd one I didn't remember. But it still felt like it happened. There were people in it. With weird plastic suits and huge black goggles. I'd feel their stares at me. I'm holding someone's hand with a tight grip in the dream. The people attempt to pull me towards them, all grabbing me. I'd scream and scream as I hear my name from all directions. They throw me in a dark room, with a keypad-type thing attached on the wall. They'd yell for me to type in it. But... I don't know what to type. They keep yelling and I cower in fear. Crying. The dark room would open with a light. I look up. But that's when the dream ends. That's when I wake up with my face wet with sweat from stress and tears of horror. 

I would whimper and tremble every time. But recover after five minutes. I don't even know why I'd cry then but at that time, it'd feel like the right thing. Right thing. 'Doing the right thing'.  All of this suddenly led me to those two. Nickie and Jaden, what they said. Why did it all sounded so familiar? Like I had seen this all coming? This feeling I don't recall but then again, it felt natural almost. Staring at the ceiling, I wondered, why did this happen to me? Why did the world change? And most importantly, Why did this all happen on my freaking birthday? Seriously? Was I that  unlucky? These thoughts kept me awake. Alive. 

Shifting in my bed, I turned to the side, to face the clock, hung lifelessly on the wall. It was almost 3. In the morning. I felt hungry. I hadn't eaten anything since they left. And I regretted it. My stomach was begging for food but I didn't have any. This all happening on my birthday. Wow. I would want nothing  then as good as this. Being sarcastic, by the way. 

Grunting, I got up. If I wasn't sleepy, then what's the point to try to force your eyes to shut when they refuse to? I wasn't gonna waste my time like that. So, I dragged my chair to the window and sat there. I wished I could see the outside instead of a dead view. I wished to see the stars and the moon.  I don't like staying here. I feel so trapped in this place. I want out. I want to be free. I wanted... my dad to take me away. But all hope was gone. Alex said so. And I trusted her. Because she knew what it was in the world. How the virus was. Incurable. Which sucked. 

She didn't say he was dead. But the fact that he didn't come and take me, makes him dead for me. Not literally. But he didn't come. I searched for him. And he never even bothered about that.

Sighing I waited. For Nickie and Jaden to arrive. They told me to stay awake. I am awake. It was 2:45. Fifteen minutes. Where are they? It was strange how determined I was to go with them. Maybe anyone would be if they'd know a way to get out. And as much as I hated to admit it, I know my Father wasn't coming back. He wasn't any different. He forgot me just as the others forgot their kids. I just wanted to leave this place. Have a life in which, at night, I could stare at the sky and not a stupid ceiling. 

I jumped when I heard a soft knock at the door. I walked about to it, whispering, "Who is it?" Even when I knew who it was. 

"Obviously us." Nickie whispered back, annoyingly, "Who'd else you'd expect in the middle of the night?"

I heard Jaden snicker behind her, as I opened the door. "Just in time." I said, looking at the clock, impressed. 

The two entered inside. Jaden wearing complete black. 

"Don't you think that's a  little too much?" I frowned. 

Nickie scoffed at Jaden, who's face fell, "Didn't I tell you, cuz? You look ridiculous."

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