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Lyod's P.O.V

"If you're the last person, I'm gonna see before dying," Jaden muttered, "I might as well start being honest with you." 

"Shut up, kid." I replied, my mouth only partly opened while speaking, so nobody would notice us talking. 

We were walking closer to the building, the infected already staring at us suspiciously. Some had guns, pointing at each other while others talking. There was one vigorously peeling of his rotten skin. Like that would work. He seemed satisfied when blood started streaming from scratches on his cheeks. 

"I think that you're the most blank, dull and the-kind-anyone-will-hate person in the world." Jaden expressed his feelings. "Just thought you should know, my friend." 

I roll my eyes, "Thank you for randomly telling me that even though I had no interest whatsoever." 


I turn my head sideways, trying to glimpse where Nickie was standing but quickly turn away when I see a female infected narrowing her eyes at me. 

"Do you think this will work?" He asked, his tone serious. We were more closer to the door, but we walked slowly, as if not wanting this at all. 

He didn't let me reply, instead whispered, "I know I was supposed to be the one to be firing from there." He gulped, "It's because of my stupid disease that you won't let me right?" 

I shrugged, "If Nickie gets caught she'll be able to outrun them. If you get caught -" 

"Then I'll have my attack and will slow everyone down." He finished.   

"Not true," I shake my head, "You have you're own part to play." 

"Really," He scoffed, "And what's that?" 

"Who's gonna be the one to beat that jerk up?" I smirked. 

He gave a small grin, "Count me in, on that." 

We reach the door. I take one quick glance to where Nickie was and then gestured Jaden inside. As soon as we did... Nothing. No firing. 

Jaden looked at me with worried eyes. He was thinking the exact same thing I was. What was taking her so long? I shake my head and we continue walking. It'll happen. I know it will. There're less people inside, which was a good thing. Jaden walked to the stairs  but I grabbed his arm to stop him. He frowned. 

"The stairs will take up our energy," I explain, "Elevators take less time." 

He nodded, and we walked to the elevator. Although these people were completely mad, they knew how to work an elevator. It worked. We enter inside, only us two but we don't say anything. What was she doing? The speakers playing a sweet tune, not at all matching the intensity between us. Jaden shifted on his feet, nervously. 

I looked at him and sigh, "Don't worry. Nickie will-" 

My words are interrupted when the lights start blinking, the floor shaking. Jaden pressed himself on the wall, the melody coming from the speakers stopped. 

"What's going on?" Jaden breathed. Without thinking he takes out his inhaler and takes a deep breath. 

I understood what happened. Exactly what happened. We failed. 

"Helooooo, there, Mr. Warren!" A voice abrupted in thin air. Jaden's eyes grew as he stared around. The voice was coming from the  speakers. "Long time no see, huh?" The voice snickered. 

"What in the bloody world?" Jaden yelled, his face red. With fear? With anger? Or both? "Show yourself, you moron!" He shouted.

"Be careful with that language son," The voice tsked, "Her life's depending on it." 

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