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Loyd's P.O.V 

They told me that they were in. What the hell did that mean? I would have taken them with me even if they'd have said no. I went against my orders for this. I'd hate myself if I fail. These kids... they have no idea. The world isn't all happy and beautiful. It's gone. It's dangerous. Lucky that they lived in a secured place and never found that out. But now, I'm going to have to show them. I don't have a choice. I told them to pack up. That we'll set out tomorrow. They agreed. But only because they're oblivious. They don't know what's coming. I have to do this. When they told me they're ready, I saw it in his eyes... Harry's eyes, that he was unwilling. I knew he didn't trust me after what I had said before. But he would have reacted in a dumb way that would make him regret. I'd seen Mr. Skale's attitude and I was sure that Harry's wouldn't be any different. 

Bryce tried to stop me. But I ran. I didn't want his help. I'll do it myself. Do this all myself. Stop everything myself.

His father made me promise to do this. This isn't my fault. I was just following his orders. I'm doing this for the world. Harry would understand. He had to. He needed to understand that this isn't my fault. 


Harry's P.O.V

"Man," Jaden grumbled, "I haven't eaten like forever. I'm starving!" 

Nickie frowned, looking up from a book she was reading, "yeah, me too. Shouldn't like Lyod give us something to eat?" 

They both looked at me expectantly. I was sitting on the carpet, trying to soak in the heat from the fireplace. This place was really cold if you ask me. It was official. We were all leaving at the night. Lyod told us that if we want to avoid any sort of trouble then we should travel in the night. Nickie and Jaden agreed, so did I but I was still not ready to leave. I still didn't want to trust Lyod. I noticed how his eyes kept on shifting towards me when he talked and that made me feel uncomfortable. It's funny how quickly for me he changed. In the car he seemed nice. Now... not so sure.

I shrugged, "Lyod said we should help ourselves." 

Now it was our turn to look at Nickie, Maybe she new how to cook?

She shook her head, "I haven't cooked since I was nine. I don't know how to so don't get me started on that." 

Jaden groaned, "I could really use a sandwich right now." 

"I know how to make a sandwich." I muttered so no one would here me. They wouldn't like my idea for a sandwich. 

"Then why don't you make one?" Jaden said, rolling his eyes. 

"You may not like how it tastes." I stated. 

"I don't care how it tastes! As long as it's food, I'll shove it down my stomach." Jaden snapped.

I got up, "I'm telling you. It's not something you'll like. But if you insist."

Walking to the small kitchen. I opened the cabinets in search for the ingredients. I smiled remembering how my dad use to love these. I hated them but they'll do now. I'd eat just about anything. He use to eat them whenever he felt 'bitter' as he put it. I'd tell him they were disgusting but he'd wave his hand off, telling me that I was jealous that they tasted way better then what i make. I'd just laugh after that. 

I never thought I'd be remembering such a stupid thing from my past. But now, everyone savoured even the smallest memories. No matter how weird, embarrassing, dreadful they were. Everyone wanted to escape from here. That's why the world is filled with more day-dreamers than ever before. 

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