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Harry's P.O.V

"Now," Bryce grinned at me from across the round table, "Where do we start?"

We sat in a windowless room, colder then any other they've put me in. The tip of my nose felt wet and my skin was frozen. I tried hard not to shiver, despising the fact that Bryce was wearing a sweater and me, only a half-sleeves shirt. 

I narrowed my eyes, "I don't know. You tell me." 

He smiled, "That is, if you allow me to."

I scoffed, leaning back on the chair, trying to show him that I wasn't scared of him.  "You ask that after you knock out a kid and drag me in a clishe looking room with two chairs, a table and a creaking light bulb hanging above our heads? Are you trying to act dramatic, because let me hand it to you, You're doing a very good job at it." 

"So is that a yes or a no?" He ignored everything i just said. 


He sighed, "I'm sorry I have to be the first one to tell you but you need to know." 

"No, I don't need to!" I snapped. "I told you I don't  want to know!"

"But I'd like myself to tell you it whether you like to or not." I could swear that he smirked at this. 

"You're crazy." I shook my head, "you need help." 

"Didn't you think the same about my brother?" He looked amused. "I guess we are the 'crazy' twins."

"I'd prefer to be with that crazy then you." I hissed. 

"To bad you don't have an option."  

I sighed, my knuckles turning white with my tight grip on the chair, "Just get on with it." 

His eyes sparkled , "It's fascinating how you don't care about your past. Your truth." 

"Yes, I don't care." I snarled, "All I care about is that why am I here in the first place? Why do you want me and what's the purpose of all of this?" 

He leaned back at his chair, his brown eyes never leaving mine, "Did you ever wonder where your father used to go every single day?"

I scowled, "What kind of random question is that?" 

"Answer me. Did you ever wonder?" 

I shrugged, "He went to his laboratory every day, if that's what you mean." 

"I must say Robert was good at hiding his secrets." He smiled. 

"What the hell does that mean?" I snapped, "What do you mean by secrets?" 

"You really don't know?" He looked so happy when he said that, "You really don't know anything?" 

I didn't reply, my stare drifted away to the dark room. I realized I was shivering with the cold. Or was it anxiety? 

"I don't want to know anything." I replied quietly. Did I want to know? Of course not. Because I already knew  where he used to go. He used to go to his lab. Do experiment thingies. I mean, sure he never really told me  what exactly that was but I trusted him. And that's enough. End of discussion. 

"I really like this car." My ears perked up when I heard this from Saige. I look at him hold that toy in his hands. He placed it gently on the table, and pushed it towards me. I still didn't say anything. But my face was starting to feel hot. He shouldn't be touching something my dad gave to me. He didn't deserve it. 

"Do you wonder why I brought that little kid?" He asked. 

I didn't reply. Again. Because I was getting something. I was understanding something. Where did my father go every single day? Why did he never let me go out? Why was I home-schooled? Why did he never take holidays? 

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