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We ran to my room - more like those two, Jaden was dragging me by my shirt collar now. I could see the frustration in Jaden's face and anxiety in Nickie's . It made my lips to quiver in a small smile. Even if I couldn't really do anything to them, atleast they were taken aback by... well, i don't know what they were so worried about. There was no one in the halls except for us. Probably in classes. It made me wonder if these two ever went to their class. Weird. 

Nickie walked up to my room and started to yank it open or something. Obviously I had locked it before Jaden took me to the auditorium. I'm not that dumb to let the intruder come in again, in case he'd decided to mess up my room a little more. 

I jumped - or atleast tried to - when I heard a loud thud. I shook my head away from my thoughts and looked up at Nickie, who was vigorously kicking and pounding at my door. 

"What the hell are you doing that for!" I yelled at her, "You're gonna break the door!" 

She narrowed her eyes at me, "It won't open. What else do you expect me to do?"

I pulled free of Jaden's grip, rolling my eyes at her, "Here's an idea! Why don't you open it with a key?"

"I don't have one." She said, a-matter-of-factly, folding her arms. 

"That's because this is my room." My words dripped with sarcasm. 

Jaden smacked me on the head, for what felt like the millionth time, as he muttered, "Then open it already." 

I glared at him, "I will if you tell me how the in the world did you know where I live in this seventy- floor building? My room could have been freaking anywhere. And I didn't even tell you where it is! Not even a hint." I exclaimed. 

The two stayed quiet. Long enough to make me feel satisfied with myself. But it only lasted for five seconds before Jaden started laughing like a hysterical maniac. Nickie, leaning against the door, was snickering which only made me flush in embarrassment. 

"What's so funny?" I gritted my teeth. 

None of the two replied, but kept on laughing. I did not see what was that they were laughing at. My question wasn't even something to laugh at. When they didn't reply, I walked up to the door, Nickie stepping aside, took out my keys from my hoodie's pocket and unlocked it with a grunt. I felt like I might loose it at any second. 

Without even asking my permission, they entered. I expected them to gasp with the books on the floor and my study desk cracked and my bed mattress totally out of shape. But I was the one in shock to see Nickie nod to Jaden ever so typically. As if they had expected this. 

"Dude," Jaden sniggered, "I like how you organized everything." 

"Easy for you to say," I grumbled, "I'm the one who's probably gonna be the one in trouble if I don't report this all soon. Not you."

Jaden grinned at Nickie who smiled back. Either they were on to something or that they had actually experienced this. How-?

"So where is it?" Nickie broke my thoughts, "Where's the book?" 

I shrugged, "Probably somewhere on the floor." 

"Then get it for us!" Jaden snapped. 

Swearing under my breath, I rested my knees on the floor and started to dig through the piles of library books. My breath came out hard as I realized it wasn't here. It should be, but it wasn't. I turned to see Nickie placing the books back on the shelf. Jaden arranging My desk. I managed a small smile as a thank you to Nickie. I saw her look awkward as she smiled back. As if she wasn't used to smiling like she meant it. I bet my smile was as awkward as hers. Nobody really smiled like they meant it here. But she looked better with a smile then when she snarled. 

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