Chapter 43

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Authors note:

Hey guys! So sorry it took so long, but here it is!


*Harry’s POV*

“Harry! Come on, 10 minutes til we leave!” A thick irish accent yelled at me. My eyes were closed and I could just feel a warm breeze blow onto my face.

“Close the window when you leave, I’m going downstairs to meet the others!” Niall called again.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Woah my head was pounding, head rush. There was the absolute worst taste in my mouth and I was really sore in my um.. lower region... What the fuck had happened last night? I stood up, wobbled over to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to wake me up. My curls were dripping wet on my face and honestly, I looked like shit. I had about 5 minutes to meet the others so I decided to have a shower and clear my head. I started to think about what happened yesterday, found out Louis and Mia were together and I went off to a nightclub and um.. had a few drinks... the name Torie kept popping up in my head, not sure why..

*Mia’s POV*

“Ash wake up” I groaned and nudged her.

“What time is it?” she mumbled back,

“7:45 now wake up” 

“Okay, go make me breakfast, go” she demanded sleepily.

“French toast it is” I sighed, I really couldn’t be bothered.

“SHIT MIA, IT’S 8:45” Ash jumped.


“THE TIMES WERE CHANGED LAST NIGHT, DUDE WE HAVE 5 MINUTES” she got up hurriedly and locked herself in the bathroom.

There wasn’t enough time to have a shower now, so I ran over to the full length mirror, tied my brown hair into a messy bun and pulled on my dancing shorts, a baggy singlet with a crop top inside. It was too warm to put trackies on.

“MIA DON’T WORRY ABOUT BREAKFAST LETS JUST GO” Ash yelled from the bedroom and I packed up my dance gear.

“OKAY, DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR SHOES, THE COSTUMES ARE THERE RIGHT?! I CAN’T THINK STRAIGHT” I yelled back, feeling like I’d forgotten everything to take.

“Okay breathe Mia, let go, I have everything, I’ve taken a drink bottle for both of us and a muesli bar to eat in the cab, which I have called” She spoke calmly and picked up the keys, how was she so organised? Oh wait she’s Ashvina..

“Okay okay, out we go” I walked out and Ash locked the door behind us. We jumped into the cab and remained quiet for the trip, felt pretty awkward actually.

We arrived at the arena about 5 minutes later, Ash payed the $8 and we walked in. Surprisingly we were the only ones there from our group, apart from the other dancers, Elena, Carla and some of the crew.

“Ash! Mia! Great now we just need Maggie and we’re ready to start the Na Na Na routine” Elena hugged us cheerfully, “Go stretch with the others and start putting on your make-up”

“Okay” Ash and I smiled.

“Hey girls!” Some of the dancers called, they already had their hair and make-up done and most were in splits warming up.

“You guys ready?” I was pumped, the tour was tomorrow!

“Yes yes yes! oh my god I can’t believe it still!” Alex got up and jumped around, she was adorable.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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