Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It’s been a month since I heard the most awesome news ever and now, in 3 days, I was going to fly up to England and the next day I will meet the boys. I’VE NEVER BEEN THIS EXCITED FOR ANYTHING! I ended up staying the night at Ashvina’s that day, not like we could sleep or anything after hearing news like that. We promised we wouldn’t tell anyone about it, not even Anisha. I felt really bad because she’s loved them for so long and I just start liking them and I get to spend a whole afternoon with them. But I made a promise that if I ever do get to meet them again (probably won't..) I will take Anisha.

-Buuzzz Buuzzz-


xxx Ashvina

I’ve gotten the same message everyday for the past month with the countdown. Now finally, it’s less than a week. I’ve never been out of Australia before and I was determined that my first time will be the best. And to meet One Direction has to earn some points in that.

Other than all that excitement, I still have school and here I am, sitting in French with Mr Cunningham. Luckily I have Ashvina in my class but I had to keep reminding her to keep her mouth shut about the next few weeks. “I CANNOT BELIEVE WE’R-” “SHUTTUP” I slapped my hand over her mouth. ‘oh right..’ she giggled, it was the cutest. 

After doing nothing in french (as always) it was time to go home, Ashvina was coming over to mine for ‘homework’. Okay not really but we needed to work out what to pack and how to prepare ourselves when we see the boys (doesn’t sound that urgent, but yes it is.)

“Maybe I could wear my jacket for Zayn? Or maybe a checked shirt for Liam! This is so hard!” Ashvina sighed “Hahaha I was thinking of wearing stripes for Louis with my red jeans.” “OHMYGOD YES! YOU’D LOOK SO HOT, DEFIANTLY WILL IMPRESS LOU” she winked. 

“Oh hush, I’m meeting the boys as One Direction, there is no way they would fall for us.” 

“DONT TALK LIKE THAT BERGLES” She was now slapping me. 

“Oh come on, imagine how many girls these guys meet, what’s the chance of them falling for us?”

“Well I don’t know about myself, but for you, I just feel like something will happen.” she started going into daydream, she does that a lot and I make sure not to disturb her fantasies. 

“I wish I could get a boyfriend but stupid One Direction is made and my expectations are blown way too high!” Ashvina said randomly.

“Actually I have a feeling that something will happen to you too, I’m thinking of a boy with 6cm hair” I winked

“If only” she sighed, I could see her blushing though.

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