Chapter 22: Mother

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"Long time no see, Mother." Glynne said with a smirk. Despite his body being weak, he still continued glaring at the monitors.

"I never remember giving you permission to call me that." the woman commented as she opens her fan.

"I don't remember ever needing your permission either" Glynne commented back.

Cocolia, a woman that looks about the same age as Himeko. She has light blonde hair that was styled like drills. She was wearing a dark green commander uniform remodeled to look like a slit dress. On her back was a white fur cloak with red underlining. Her sharp purple eyes stares down at the boy as if she was observing him.

Cocolia's lips, that was behind the fan, curved into a smile of amusement. The boy was a lot different the last she saw him.

"Seems like you have some company." after Cocolia said that, multiple footsteps can be heard from the hallways. She then proceeded to operate something behind the camera.


Loud sounds reverberated from behind. Even without looking, Glynne knows that it was the emergency barriers that were being activated. "I guess, I own you that one."

"Don't worry about it, I wouldn't like the reunion between me and my first child. Don't you agree with me, Raz?" Cocolia closed her fan to reveal her smile. "Or should I call you by your current name now?"

Raz, it was quite a nostalgic name for Glynne. It wasn't given to him because he wasn't the first adopted child of Cocolia but because it was the name the scientists' gave to him as their first successful test subject.

"Yeah, I much preferred the latter. " Glynne raise his back as he leaned on the chair. Though it was nostalgic to be called like that again, it only bring back bad memories.

"Even so, Glynne Romero huh..." Cocolia paused to think. "...... Say, for you to use the surname of someone you killed twice, you're quite something else?"

"Well, try imagining the person you hate so much was borrowing your name. You would definitely not like that right?" Glynne explained as he flashed a smirk.

"Seems like you learned from the best." Cocolia giggled in amusement. However it didn't take long as her eyes sharpened and glared at Glynne. "That aside, I reckon you didn't invaded my organization and killed one of my important subordinate just for a quick chitchat, right?"

Glynne smiled in resignation. He was glad that she goes straight to the point as he don't know if he has enough energy left if they continued the idle conversation.

"Then let tell you this straight." Glynne eyes lit up as he glares at the woman behind the monitor. "I don't want to be under your protection anymore."

Cocolia's eyebrow raise up, "Are you sure about that? If you leave, the other organizations that I've holding back would all come after you."

"So be it," Glynne smirked, "At least they much less troublesome to deal with rather than yours."

Cocolia giggled. She knows the thirst for power in her subordinates are quite something. The perfect example would be Dr. Romero who is now a headless corpse behind Glynne. He planned to kidnap and use the boy as a bargaining chip to rise up into the organization. Sadly, his plan backfired and cause him his demise.

"I was expecting this day to come. " Cocolia wipe her eyes from the fake tears. "As your guardian, I'm proud of what you've become."

"Yeah, I guess I have my thanks to you for that....." Glynne chuckled at her mother's sarcasm.

His head suddenly felt light, it was a sign that body already reaching its limits. His visions begun to blur as he can't seems to feel his limbs anymore.

"From now on, Glynne Romero was not part of my family anymore." Cocolia said a she watched the weakening boy. "By the way you're living with Bronya, right? Please send my regards to her."

".......wh-what...... " Glynne about to ask something but with his fading consciousness he was unable to do so. He drop down on the ground unconscious.

"Ah now that I think about it, I guess you don't know. " Cocolia smiled as she look at the fallen boy. Glynne and Bronya met in the past, however the boy doesn't remember it because he was always sleeping in his maintenance capsule if he has no assignment.

She felt excited as to what would happen now that he knows that a friend of his is also a part of the organization he was formerly in.

That said there is one thing that bothered her. ".... He has gotten weaker." Cocolia muttered as she begun observing her first child.

She was watching from the beginning, back from when he escaped the prison, to the fight with Dr. Romero. Her verdict, his overall performance was not as great as before.

Not to mention the backlash of using his trump card, it was more severe now compared to the last.

Using the camera, Cocolia zoomed in to Glynne's back, to be precise to the scar that was peaking on his neck.

That must be it — she thought as she leaned on her chair. Modern technology has advance to the point that healing a scar like that was not that difficult. However for him to chose not to remove it means that there must be something to it.

"One year..." Cocolia muttered under her breath. It was one year ago that Glynne has gone missing. She normally keep a tight leash to him so he wouldn't run away. However for some unknown reason, he was able to slip from her grasp. She don't know if the scar has any relation to it or not, but her interest was still pique as whatever it may be, it was able to damage their ultimate weapon.

"Ah, I guess it should inform about him to those two." Cocolia said as she recalled something.

When something that is important for the organization has been found, it was not a surprise if everyone knew of this news. However, she was able hide this information and only spread it through selected individuals..... Yes, this include that dead scientist.

She still wanted to use the boy to lure out her enemies however with him getting weaker, his value has dropped. This is the reason why she agreed so easily to let go of Glynne. She has no use of a already expiring tool.

"Ah, I almost forgot about them." Informing those two about him won't pose a problem as he is already weakened. She smiled, remembering how both of them has the strongest desire to find him.


*note: Raz is "one" in Russian.

So yeah, never have thought that I will be flooded with activities in the first week. It doesn't help either that I happen to get another writer's block. Its getting annoying tbh. I just want to warp up this arc.

*cough* Anyway, thanks for reading!

A Certain Boy Of A Valkyrie Academy (Honkai Impact 3 Fanfic) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now