Chapter 16: New Equipment (Part 2)

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The afternoon classes has been ended. Glynne let out a sigh of relief as he begun preparing himself to leave.

"Glynne," Kiana called out to him. "Let's go home together."

Glynne was startled a bit with Kiana's invitation, but remembering that they are staying at the same roof, it was natural to do so. Even so, he was still weirded out as Kiana was awfully being friendly with him.

"I think that would be for the best, Glynne" Mei said as she approaches from behind Kiana. "Even if you're under the protection of the Principal, it isn't guaranteed that you will not be attack when you're alone."

Glynne smiled, grateful for the girl's consideration. "Thanks but there's an errand I need to do first. I would feel bad if wait for me. Y'all can go first."

"You are going to weapon development facility, right?" Bronya asked.

"....Yeah," Glynne nodded, "But how did you know?"

"Actually Principal messages Bronya earlier that you will get new weapon there." Bronya said as she approaches Glynne. "She also said you might get lost in the campus and she asked Bronya to guide you there."

"That would be pretty helpful." Glynne said as he remembers that he still haven't given a proper tour in the campus. "I'll take you up on that."

Bronya nodded, seemingly satisfied about something. Both of them bid farewell to the other two, as they head to the weapons development facility.


The weapons development facility is a big rectangular building located at the southern east corner of the school. Since this is a place where dangerous materials are being processed constantly, its walls are constructed with thick concrete and its small windows seems to be bulletproof.

This facility, as the name implies, is where students, mostly those who are in support role, would rent a workshop and try learn to create and upgrade equipment. However in order to do so, they would need a bunch of mass-produced items as a base and materials for customization.

Most of the finish products would either be kept by the creator, or be kept here as it can be sold and recycled. It was not wrong to say that the facility is like the blacksmith shop on certain fantasy games.

Entering such building, Glynne and Bronya were greeted by the receptionist lady.

"Ah, welcome Miss Bronya. Are you here to use a workshop again?" she said.

"Mn," Bronya shakes her head. "Bronya is here to guide the new student here."

"New student?" the lady tilted her head as her gaze shifted to Glynne. "Ah you must be him. Principal told me about you. You're here to get a new weapon, right?"

"Yes" Glynne simply replied.

"Then please present your ID here" the receptionist lady said as she showed him a scanner.

Glynne flinched back a bit, he didn't expect that an ID is required. "Uhm.... To be honest, my phone's battery is dead. Is there any other way?" he asked as he scratches his head.

"Don't worry, the phone was given to you by the academy, right?" Glynne nodded in affirmation. "Then it is no problem as we can still scan your ID even if it has no power."

Though it seems doubtful, Glynne has no choice but to follow. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and presented it to the scanner.


Surprisingly, it did work as it let out a alert sound while showing Glynne's information.

"Confirmation has been completed." the receptionist announce. "Please tell us what types of weaponry do you use."

"Let's see," Glynne put a hand on his chin as he tried to think, "A handgun, a knife.... Oh, and definitely a sniper rifle."

"...... Are you sure about your choices sir?" she asked for reconfirmation.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Glynne asked as he can tell that the receptionist lady was quite shock by looking at her face.

"Bronya was surprised.... With how Glynne was able to deal with Kiana on CQC, Bronya didn't expect you to pick a long range supporter role." Bronya commented. The receptionist lady seems to also agree with it as she was nodding her head.

Glynne scratched the back of his head. Though he can't deny that he was proficient in fighting melee, his specialty is always been long range combat. He only learned to do CQC to defend himself incase someone might get near him while sniping.

Explaining this to them, they both seems to agree as they both nodded at the same time.

With no further problems, the receptionist operated her terminal and presented Glynne a wide array of different weapons from the types he choosed. "Please take your time selecting." she said.

Unlike the battlesuits, Glynne already has a few selections on mind. He quickly scanned over the list and stopped when he saw what he was looking for.

The powerful anti-material rifle Barette M95, a white tactical knife that seems to be made in honkai parts, and....

"As expected, I still sticking to my old partner..." he muttered as he brought out his M1911 handgun from the bag.

"Your gun seems to been used quite a lot." Bronya remarked upon laying her eyes on the weapon. Not only does the gun has multiple discoloration on the body, it also has small dents and scratches all over it.

"Yeah," Glynne agreed as he look at the gun longingly. "This guy has manage to pull me off a lot of hard situations."

The weapon has a sentimental value, it was not hard to see that. However the receptionist seems to disagree with his decision as an old gun like the one he was holding would most likely suffer a malfunction during battles. Even so, she does not want to sound rude so she tried approaching to him the topic gently. "Excuse me Sir, can I examine your weapon."

"Sure" Oblivious to the lady's plan, he handed the gun without any doubt.

"This is?!" the receptionist let out a surprised voice as she inspect the gun. On the outside, it look like it was beat-up but on a professional's appraising eyes that seems to be not the case.

The weapon still maintains its top condition even when it was years old. Not only that, it was subjected under multiple upgrades and customization that its original specs are most likely doubled or more. It was not wrong to say that the weapon became Glynne's original handgun design. It most likely imitated the look of a standard M1911 to hide what monster this gun is.

"... I'm sorry Sir, for looking down on you!" the receptionist bow down to apologize as she returned the gun back with care.

"Eh, yeah sure....??" Glynne was confused by the lady's antics but he still grabbed his weapon back. He just watched as the receptionist operated the terminal in a flustered manner.

"The transaction has been completed. Please wait for a few minutes to prepare the items." the receptionist said.

"Sure,...." he just unconsciously answered. Slapping himself out to reality, he suddenly remembered something. "Ah, are you okay with waiting with me, Bronya?"

"No problem" Bronya said as she pump her chest. Even though she usually has a emotionless face, her antics make her look cute.

They were about to go to sit at the lobby area and wait, but Glynne was reminded about something again.

"Excuse me, can I borrow one of the workshops while waiting?" Glynne asked.


So anyone guess the weapons right?

BTW, anyone has an idea what Roza and Lili is doing before joining the game storyline? The only thing I know is their idol work.

Anyway, next chapter will be a glimpse in Glynne power.

As always thanks for reading.

A Certain Boy Of A Valkyrie Academy (Honkai Impact 3 Fanfic) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now