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shawn and i have been going to the library every night for the last week. he hasn't told me this for sure, but i'm pretty positive that he hasn't drank alcohol since we've been in canada. i know it's only been a week, but since i've known him he would tend to drink on the daily or at least every other day.

i had to work late tonight so i told shawn i probably couldn't meet him at the library. i offered to pick him
up on my way home from work if he wanted to come study at my apartment. he hasn't responded to my text yet, so i decided to recheck my phone at the end of my shift.

it was getting closer to closing time, and i didn't think i was going to get anymore tables for the night. just as that thought passed in my mind, a couple walks in. i try to hide my annoyance as i watch our hostess guide them towards a booth. i wait a few moments before walking up to them.

when i was almost to their table, my stomach dropped. it was liam and his girlfriend. i knew they were dating because a mutual friend of mine and liam's told me about his new relationship a while ago, even though i didn't care enough to ask about it.

i considered asking someone else to take over this table for me, but there was only one other waitress here since we were just about to close. she already had two tables that were still here, so i just had to suck it up.

"hey guys, my name is mila and i'll be your server tonight. may i start you off with some beverages?" i decide to just pretend like they were any other customers. for some reason, that was the easiest way for me to deal with this situation.

"oh, hey mila," liam says, "i didn't know you worked here."

i refrain from rolling my eyes. he knew damn well that i worked here. i got this job when him and i were still together.

"beverages?" i repeat.

"i'll have a cherry coke." his girlfriend tells me.

after staring at me for longer than he should have, liam finally tells me he will have a cherry coke as well. i tell them i'll be back shortly with their drinks and walk off.

my coworker, maria, was standing by the beverages when i went to grab their drinks.

"girl, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" she laughs at me.

"i have to wait on my toxic ex and his new girlfriend." i reply, cringing.

"damn, that sucks." she responds. she could have offered to switch me tables or something, but oh well.

"yeah, and of course they had to come in right before closing. i thought i was about to go home, i have soo much homework..." i try to hint that i want her to take over for me so i wouldn't have to ask.

"sorry girl." she pats me on the back and walks away. damn.

when i return to their table with two cherry cokes, the two of them were laughing about something. their laughter came to a halt when i walked up, making me feel awkward.

"two cherry cokes." i say as i set them
on the table. "do you think you're ready to order?"

"oh, i just ordered a regular coke." liam says. i felt like my eye began to twitch as i tried so hard to stay calm. this was going to be a longer night than i planned.


it's two hours later than i thought i was going to get off work. the only highlight was that liam oddly tipped me 50%. the second i step outside of the restaurant, i check my phone and i had quite a few texts from shawn.

Shawn Mendes: hey i just left the library

Shawn Mendes: I wasn't there for long it wasn't the same without u

Shawn Mendes: When do you get off?

Shawn Mendes: Are ur roommates home I think I should wait there for you i'm feeling anxious

Shawn: Milaaaaaa

Shawn: well shit

All of those texts were within 10 minutes of each other, and then two hours later...

Shawn Mendes: Ummm i'm really irritated because i feel guilty for some reason why should i feel guilty for doing something i'm legally allowed to do ???

Shawn Mendes: so im sitting herw amd i REAlly think it's ypur fault that i feel GUILTY

Shawn: anyway i came to your apartment and ypur lovely roomnates let me in i'm
waitong for you in your room

Shawn: I thought you were supposed to be off work hours ago u better habe a goof explanatison for this youmg lady

The amount of typos in his texts combined with the things he was saying gave it all away. he was definitely drunk. i don't respond to him since i was going to be home in a few minutes and he was already there anyway.

when i walk into my apartment, marissa and tayshia were sitting in the living room.

"how bad is it?" i ask them.

"it's not too bad..." tayshia says.

marissa scoffs. "please, i wouldn't be surprised if you walked into your room and he's passed out in his own vomit."'

i brace myself before entering my room. however, shawn was sound asleep, cuddling my pillow. i debated on whether or not i should wake him. before i could make a decision, he began to stir in his sleep for a few moments before opening his eyes.

"fucking finally." he mumbles, sitting up and glaring at me. "where the hell were you?"

"work." i respond.

"i thought—"

"shawn, don't start. i'm a waitress, i don't always get off work at the times i'm supposed to. tables come in last minute or they stay way too long past closing and i'm stuck there for longer." it all comes out of my mouth before i could process, and i realize it might have came off rude.

"wow, you're in a mood." he says, laughing a little. he probably found it funny because i'm always so nice to him.

"yeah, well that's what happens when i have to serve my dumb ass ex who not only sucks as a human being, but feels the need to completely torture me the entire time with complicated orders and endlessly needing something and spilling drinks on me."

"wait, wait, wait, you're kidding me right? what is he stalking you or something? i swear i'm gonna fuck him up." shawn's laughter turns into anger and now i feel like i shouldn't have told him.

i sigh. "please calm down. i don't need you to be mad with me, i need you to just be here for me after a hard night at work, okay?"

he doesn't say anything, and i watch him as he attempts to calm down. he breathes in and out, relaxing himself before looking at me and saying, "okay, come here."

although shawn drank again tonight, he was still coming a long way from where he was before. there was no way if this happened before while he was drunk he would have been able to calm down so fast. i was proud of him.

drunk in love - shawn mendes.Where stories live. Discover now