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i wake up a few hours after falling asleep with the strong urge to pee. it was still dark outside, so i checked my phone to see the time. it was 6:07 am. shawn's arm was still draped over me, so i slide out trying not to wake him. he shuffles a little in his sleep but doesn't wake up.

after using the bathroom, i walk back into my room. before laying down i grab my water bottle from the nightstand and start taking a big gulp. the second the liquid is in my mouth, i spit it out dramatically. not water.

i suddenly remember finishing my water before bed so this had to be shawn's bottle. much to my surprise, it was filled with vodka and not water.

he wakes up after my spit-take and looks up at me in confusion. "mila?" he questions sleepily.

"shawn, remind me to get you some water when we wake up." i respond to him before climbing back into bed. there was a nasty taste in my mouth but i wasn't in the mood to walk to the kitchen.

"sorry." he mumbles and lays his head on my chest.

"how much did you drink last night?" i ask him, suddenly not able to fall back asleep.

"hm?" he responds without opening his eyes.

"nothing." i sigh. that man could really hold his alcohol. he drank so much before we even left the apartment, even more at the first party, and he was still drinking until the last second before we went to sleep. the last person i saw drink that much with no problem was my alcoholic step-father. it just bothered me a little bit.

"what's wrong?" he asks me. he opens his eyes and props himself up on his elbow, looking at me.

"nothing is wrong," i smile assuringly. "i just didn't realize how much you drank."

"why are you even worried about how much i drank?" he asks. i detected some irritation in his tone and i immediately felt bad for saying anything.

"i'm not, i just..."

"you just what?"


he stares at me for a moment, then gets out of bed. as he is putting his shoes on aggressively, i struggle to know what to say. i barely knew him
and i felt like i had just pissed him off really bad.

"shawn, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you feel weird." i apologize.

"just learn how to mind your own business." he says angrily before walking out of my room.

i frown, wondering where he was going to go.

seconds later he appears back in the room. my heart leaped because i thought he was going to apologize for being rude, but he just glared at me and snatched his water bottle from my nightstand. then he was gone again.

jeez, i wonder what his problem is.

drunk in love - shawn mendes.Where stories live. Discover now