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i realized after dropping shawn off, i still had enough time to attend my other class i had today. i decided that i might as well go, so i just drove straight to campus since my backpack was already in my backseat.

i had this class every monday and wednesday, and ethan was in it with me. he sometimes brought me coffee, and today was one of those days.

"wow, good thing i showed up today." i smile as i accept the coffee from him.

"you? skipping class? i can't see it." he chuckles.

"yeah well i almost did today," i tell him. "shawn convinced me."

our professor hadn't shown up yet, so we had a few minutes to chat before class. i enjoyed ethan's company; he has always been kind to me. he treated me like a younger sister.

"shawn?" he raises an eyebrow. "mendes?"

i nod, sipping my coffee. "we were going to spend the day together, but then he got all weird. so i came to class."

"you're not like, getting involved with him are you?" he asks, concern evident in his tone. "because if i were you, i wouldn't. that boy has got some issues."

"what do you mean?" i ask him.

"i don't know, i've heard some things."

"i don't like to judge people based on rumors." i tell him.

"yeah, well sometimes that could save you from a lot of trouble." he offers me a smile to show he's not trying to sound too harsh. "just be careful."


a few days had passed before i heard from shawn. i hadn't seen him around campus either. i assumed he didn't get his phone fixed yet, but it did suck that i had no idea what was going on with him. i couldn't stop thinking about the conversation i had with ethan and his warning not to get involved with shawn.

when shawn had finally texted me, it was saturday. i already had plans to go out to a bar & grill with my roommates and the twins, and i was thinking about inviting shawn now that he texted me. however, i didn't want to seem desperate. i overthought the idea for so long that i ended up not asking him.

i got ready with the girls, not putting effort into my appearance since we weren't doing anything special. my friends were probably all going to drink while i enjoyed a burger and a dr. pepper probably. i wore a black hoodie and my favorite light jeans. i didn't do much to my face, just some lip gloss, mascara, and a little bit of concealer.

"ready?" tayshia asks me, popping her head into my room. i nod, standing up and grabbing my keys. i was driving since they would most likely be intoxicated by the end of the night. 

"you look so cute." marissa comments when she sees me. 

"really?" i smile. i loved when my friends complimented me.

we meet ethan and grayson at the place and get a table together. i take in my surroundings and look around me. my eyes travel towards the bar across the restaurant, and the first person i see is shawn himself. he's sitting at the bar alone, downing a shot of something the second i look over. i knew he couldn't see me from where he was, and he had no idea i was here.

"hey guys, i'll be right back." i tell my friends who all just nod in response. they were busy looking at the menu. i hop out of my seat and walk towards the bar.

when i approach shawn, he doesn't see me right away. "another." he tells the bartender, holding up the shot glass.

"shawn." i say from behind him. he turns around quickly and his lips break out into a huge grin.

"mila!" he exclaims, stumbling off the barstool and engulfing me into a big hug. "what are you doing here?! hey, get me another shot for my friend!"

"i'm gonna have to see some id, your friend looks 16." the bartender responds, annoyed. i frown, 16? when would people be able to tell i was an actual adult?

shawn rolls his eyes. "whatever mr. rule follower."

he laughs at himself, and i could tell he was pretty drunk. he seemed to be in a cheerful mood, though.

"are you drinking by yourself?" i ask him.

"yes ma'am." he responds as the bartender slides him another shot. it disappears down his throat in seconds. "drinking alone is the best, no one is there to bring me down."

"gotcha... well, we're all sitting at a table over there if you care to join us." i gesture to where the rest of my friends were all sitting together. i noticed they had ordered a pitcher of beer already.

"hmm, maybe i will join. just because i see they have beer." he winks at me.

"that's the only reason?" i ask him jokingly.

"maybe a little bit because the girl i like will be over there too." he tells me. my heart skips a beat and i become suddenly nervous. did he really just admit he likes me?

before i can respond, a large man is stumbling into me from behind, nearly knocking me over. i catch myself on the counter in front of me.

"shit, sorry." the man slurs, evidently drunk. "you're so small i barely saw you there." he chuckles.

"watch where the fuck you're going next time." shawn says to him angrily, catching me off guard.

"no, it's okay." i quickly speak up. "don't worry about it."

"don't tell this fuck it's okay!" shawn says in a louder tone. "he needs to fucking be careful."

"shawn." i say, embarrassed.

before anything else could happen, the bartender put them both in check. the man ends up walking away and shawn glares at him until he disappears out the door. his mood shifted so quick. the minute i saw him he was smiley and happy, and the next he was angry.

he turns and asks the bartender for another shot.

"so are you going to join us?" i decide to ask him then.

"nah, like i said, i like to be alone so no one can bring me down. i will see you around." he doesn't make eye contact with me.

"right," i say. "i'll just go then. have a good night by yourself."

i walk away, and he doesn't look in my direction again.


helloooo everybody!!!! if you read this story could u please comment and let me know what u think?? it's been so long since i've wrote a story lol i'm anxious !!

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